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Spider-Man 3 PlayStation 3 Cheats and Tips

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We have several cheats including locating meteorite rocks, unlocking the black suit, unlocking Symbiote Spider-Man's Story mode and unlocking the Green Goblin.

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Rage without Fighting Enemies

You can get angry without fighting enemies if you tap R1 repeatedly. Spider-Man will make a shaking hand motion and will scream, the longer you tap R1, the more rage you will build up.

Rival Gang Reward

Earn 3 Experience points when you select any of the four gang patrol missions (Dragon Tail, Waste Tribe, Apocalypse or H-Bombers) and defeat ALL of their marked territories which are identified by the matching logo.

Unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's Story Mode

When you have completed the game as Spider-Man the Symbiote Spider-Man Story mode will become unlocked.


Unlock Arena Mode:

When you've finished the game go to the 'Extras' menu and Arena mode will be an available option.

Unlock New Goblin as a Playable Character:

This is only available on the Collector's Edition and all you have to do if you have this edition is defeat him in his first battle.

Unlock Black Spider-Man Suit:

When you have finished the game the Black Spider-Man suit will be an available option.

Unlock Venom as a Playable Character:

Collect ALL 100 Metorite pieces which isn't as easy as it sounds.

Black Suit

When you have collected ALL 50 of the Spider Emblems the Black Spider-Man suit will be available to wear anytime you want without any negative effects.

Web Swinging Upgrades

All you need to do to earn upgrades for Spider-Mans web swinging ability is to use it a lot.


Unlock Everything in the Game:

At the 'Cheat' menu enter the password 'venomsky'.

Unlock New Goblin:

At the 'Cheat' menu enter the password 'deadly'.

Unlock Harry Osbourne Green Goblin (Collectors Edition Only)

Defeat the new Green Goblin to unlock him for gameplay.

Locating Metorite Rocks

To be able to collect the purple meteorite rock pieces with the pink glow Spider-Man has to be wearing the Black suit. When Spider-Man is then near a meteorite you will hear a pulsating sound which will get louder the closer he gets.

Spider Man Cheats

General Unlockables:

Black Suit: Beat the final mission.

New Goblin (Collectors edition) Beat new goblin.

Arena Mode: Complete the game.


Unlock Arena Mode:

Complete the game and then go to the 'Extras' menu and Arena mode will be an available option.

Unlock Black Spider-Man Suit:

Complete the game and the Black Spider-Man suit will become an available option.

Unlock Venom as a Playable Character:

Collect ALL 100 Metorite pieces (this isn't as easy as it sounds).

Unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's Story Mode:

Complete the game as Spider-Man to unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's story mode.

Finding Tokens:

When you are swinging through the city and you are close to a Token you will hear a chime. Unlock Everything in the Game:

At the 'Cheat' menu enter the password 'venomsky'.

Unlock New Goblin:

At the 'Cheat' menu enter the password 'deadly'. U..

Play as black spider man

To play as black spider man for the first time you have to complete 39.something% of the game.The mission is called sandman.(HINT:you can find out how much of the game you have completed by looking at the start menu.)


If you are going to fight fisk do not just run at him and start beating him up what you should do is wait for him to attack them use speder reflexes then press trangle (not square) when the attack icon shows up.

Extra high air combat/piledriver

When fighting average sized enemies that can be yanked up into the air, jump up into the air and yank them up with O, then tap X once to spring off of them higher into the air. Quickly press O once after doing this and you can yank them up to your height and repeat. This can be done 2-3 times, or as much as an enemy's health allows [springing off an enemy after an air yank does damage to them]. When you get them as high up as you want, or their health is low, you can do an air combo, or after the last yank up, press O when they get close to you to grab them and tap triangle to do a spinning piledriver from dizzying heights!

Ferris wheel

Go to Roosevelt island like your trying 2 leave the city and jump in the water right under the bridge close to land(the far side of the island)theres 2 stone pillars side by side. Get directly between one of them and the big wall, then jump and hit the up button to hang upside down. Slowly let yourself down into the water as far as you can without falling off your web. Aim to the side of the bridge and press the L2 button quickly. If done right then you'll go around and around the bridge just like a ferris wheel. Have fun!


Play as black spider man

To play as black spider man for the first time is when you complete 39. Something% of the game the mission is called sandman

Unlock new goblin

You must beat him in your first encounter with him. Using a unique locomotion system that's entirely controllable with the SIXAXIS gamepad.

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