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Mama Caught The Cancer

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Warrior13 Posted: 10:44 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452419
Jimo Dashen
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If you haven't already heard, Trump has contracted Covid 19. Whether you like him or not, I think everyone on this site is humane enough to wish him a speedy recovery.

Some really vial people in the world right now are mocking him or wishing for his ultimate demise. Very sickening.

I think there are too many individuals in the world today that are mindless sheep, following the crowds or what they are told without doing any research on their own or applying a certain level of common sense. The White House has been Covid free for the past seven months, only having their first positive case a few weeks back, having been scotch free through both waves (until now). All White House Officials have had constant testing, clearly adhering to the CDC's social distancing guidelines. People get so hung up about the masks, yet the White House, again, has been 100% clean for basically the last seven months while doing so. I think it goes to show that masks won't protect you 100%, while not wearing one doesn't mean you'll catch it 100%.

And then there are those that claim Trump hasn't handle the virus, a disease/illness/flu/whathaveyou that had never been seen before ten months ago, as well as he should have, getting the karma he exactly deserves. He only was prepping for action back as early as January, banned travel to both China and Europe when before anyone else thought of doing so (saving millions), supplying an abundance in financial and medical supply relief to where the US has been able to help other countries, and has sped up the vaccine process by about two or three years... But, nah, he hasn't handle things properly because of how he has relayed things. They say he downplayed the virus, but shouldn't leaders trying to keep things calm and composed rather than cause mass hysteria (which the media alone is doing enough of)?

But I digress...

Post if you wanna.

« Last edited by Warrior13 on Oct 3rd 2020 »
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steelersrock01 Posted: 11:36 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452421
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Yeah, it's really disappointing to see all the celebrations and cheering for his death. It really shows how low discourse in the country has fallen and how polarized everything is. You're either on my team or not, and if you aren't I hate your guts. And if you are on my team, you better toe the line because the second you don't we're going to eat you alive.

It really just makes getting involved and informing yourself such a tiresome, stressful, draining process.
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Matt77 Posted: 11:49 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452424
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I admit I found it a bit funny when I heard that he got it, because of how I believe he's handled the virus. But nevertheless, it stops there and as you say Warrior, he and Melania should be wished a recovery.

But comments wishing his death etc are out of line. If anti-Trump people say these sort of things, it makes them as bad as the man they say they are complaining about.

Politics in America is very sad. It's basically 2 different countries with 2 different ideologies, and who cannot get along. The Republicans have got an insensitive, in-compassionate idiot in charge, and the Democrats have got a bland inconsistent candidate who has been in politics for 47 years and achieved very little.

I wish more people in this world were capable of seeing 2 different perspectives...

« Last edited by Matt77 on Oct 3rd 2020 »

~ Sometimes people change, but sometimes you just open your eyes & realise who they truly are ~

Warrior13 said:I realized Matt is the Chosen One of SC.

Credits to KingofCorn for the awesome avatar!
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Matt77 Posted: 11:53 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452425
The Chosen One
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Also I was so relieved when I opened this thread. I initially thought it was you telling us that The Momma (Nikki) had cancer...

~ Sometimes people change, but sometimes you just open your eyes & realise who they truly are ~

Warrior13 said:I realized Matt is the Chosen One of SC.

Credits to KingofCorn for the awesome avatar!
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Warrior13 Posted: 12:25 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452430
Jimo Dashen
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It is very sad these days. I always try to hear both sides and then decide for myself based upon my personal beliefs. But even after that, it is not like I have disdain for those that view things differently. Where is the fun in a world where everyone thinks and acts in the exact same way? Assimilation is one thing, conformism is another. Have some individuality and some free thinking, for pete sake.

I dont really see Trump as insensitive. I think he doesnt like to show weakness, no good businessman does, which is why he acts like a shark. Its difficult because as a politician you have to view things through different lenses. He doesnt want the economy to tank, which is why it looks like he doesnt care about the health and safety of his citizens. Again, difficult because you can be the most compassionate person in the world - not saying he comes close - but you have to make the difficult decisions. Other countries have already made that specific decision, putting the trust in their citizens to be mindful to slow the spread but also for their economies to continue to survive.

I see Biden as a nice guy, kinda creepy, but still nice. But I feel bad for him above all else. His party is just using him, a senile man on the verge of dementia, as a vessel to achieve political power. They should have just rolled with Bernie. Even though one shy of flying the coo-coo nest, he still has wit to him.

Anyway, the line is from Forest Gump, Matt. Get some culture. jk :P

« Last edited by Warrior13 on Oct 3rd 2020 »
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steelersrock01 Posted: 13:59 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452432
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Yeah, I kind of feel bad for Biden. I think he's simply too old to be running. There should be an upper age limit, and term limits for Congress members. He seems like a nice enough guy that should really just be home with his grandchildren at this age.

Trump seems so uncompassionate because he's so focused on the economy. That's what got him elected, it was his entire platform (almost). And there are many, many, people that can wave away any amount of crass or insensitive talk when their 401k has doubled in 2 years. It's a lot harder to maintain that when the economy is shut down.
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Warrior13 Posted: 14:25 Oct03 2020 Post ID: 3452435
Jimo Dashen
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I completely agree about both men. Joe should just be home where his wife can take care of him and he can enjoy the remainder of his days. I get wanting one last glory before going off to the pasture, but he's being used like no tomorrow. And he's either too far off to notice or he simply doesn't care because of the title. Even his VP is a shark that is using him: she criticized him the most during the primaries, but was quick to accept the nomination because she knows the odds are in her favor for him to be found incompetent at some point if elected.

And you're dead on with Trump. I don't think he's a bad guy in real life, I actually liked him during his TV Days, I think he's just putting up the persona he knows he needed and needs to be elected. He needs to be that fiery shark; his base not only wants but expects it of him. Before getting into politics, everyone always said he was a nice guy and good family man when not filming his tv show. If I'm not mistaken, Romney wanted Trump's seal of approval when he was going against Obama. The Clintons also loved Trump, at least back when he leaned more to the left.

I just try to remove the personas when voting, thinking who will do the best job when in office.

« Last edited by Warrior13 on Oct 3rd 2020 »
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Matt77 Posted: 03:47 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452437
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I think Trump had the ability to be a brilliant President if he just showed a bit more compassion and sense. He does get stuff done. but he's too reckless and childish for me to like him. In terms of how he has won over fans, it's quite incredible how devoted many of his supporters are. He gets the usual Hitler comparisons a lot by left-wing people, but in the way they both won over the public, there is a similarity. As a whole though, there isn't a comparison between them.

The Democrats are just pathetic though. Biden is a terrible, bland candidate. They are just desperately trying to hang on to the Obama link and get Obama supporters to vote for Biden. But Biden is not Obama, and he didn't even get Obama's support initially. Honestly they would've been better off using Bernie, Warren, or Mayor Pete. Any of these candidates would've sparked more interest from voters. People voting for Biden are just doing it because Trump is the other candidate, not because they like Biden.

If the Democrats were smarter, they would've been clear favourites in this election, with a vibrant candidate who campaigned on a regular basis. But instead they're about 60/40 favourites according to the 'polls', and 30/70 underdogs according to me.

~ Sometimes people change, but sometimes you just open your eyes & realise who they truly are ~

Warrior13 said:I realized Matt is the Chosen One of SC.

Credits to KingofCorn for the awesome avatar!
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Warrior13 Posted: 06:05 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452440
Jimo Dashen
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That's why I take out the other political garbage with candidates and go off record. Take away Trump's persona and twitter account, and you have an elected official that has a pretty good resume. Factor out Biden's apparent niceness, and what do you got? 47 years of mediocrity. Nothing that bad against it since many politicians are the same once they get to DC, but still. I completely agree that the democratic party should've went with a more vibrant, adherent candidate. Bernie could've been it, but they knew he'd lose with his socialist agenda, no doubt. And that's why they fell back on Biden. Bernie and Biden were the best they had, which is why most believe Clinton would've join the campaign trail at some point (but she never did, I think out of fear of losing to Trump twice).
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Matt77 Posted: 09:34 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452441
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The Democrats need to figure out who will run in 2024. I predict Trump to win again (narrowly), and that will be 2 consecutive Democrat losses. Pence will have the support of Trump and his supporters, so the Democrats will need to get it right that time. They need to start grooming someone now. Perhaps they already are. If the Democrats win, Kamala Harris will probably step in after a year or two, and if they lose, she may be the 2024 candidate. She would at least get women, POC, and young people interested in voting.

Do you see Pence running in 2024? And who do you think the Democrats will pick?

~ Sometimes people change, but sometimes you just open your eyes & realise who they truly are ~

Warrior13 said:I realized Matt is the Chosen One of SC.

Credits to KingofCorn for the awesome avatar!
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Warrior13 Posted: 09:55 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452444
Jimo Dashen
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Harris was a disaster as presidential candidate. She had some momentum after the first debate, but she fizzled fast. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she the first real big candidate to drop out? The writing was on the wall: the American people, primarily the Democrats, didn't care for her.

I would have to think that if Trump wins, Pence will be the leading candidate in 2024. He'll only be 65, which is prime time for most presidential candidates. If Trump loses, it's anyone guess. Maybe Trump in 2024 if he loses 2020? But only if the Democrats basically destroy the country.

If Trump wins, I have no idea who the Dems will push for 2024. Biden and Bernie would be way too old, Clinton as well. Michele Obama might run in that case, but I think only if Pence isn't the republican candidate. The Obamas aren't going to lose to Trump or his cabinet three races in a row, have to save some face. Outside of her, I'm not sure. The candidates this time around were some bland, and none of them really did much outside of Bernie and then Biden when the entire democratic party backed him. Maybe that AOC chick? But she would never be elected because the American people, at least in this day and age, aren't going to elected a socialist.
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steelersrock01 Posted: 13:14 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452447
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I can't see Pence running and winning in 2024. He's so bland, the average person has no idea who he is. But there is a serious deficit of young-ish popular republicans. Guys like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are always options I guess. If it were 2014 and not 2024 I'd say Chris Christie, but his star has fallen. In this era of non-politicians running and winning office, anything's possible. Honestly, I'd like to see a guy like Mike Rowe run if we're gonna do this celebrity thing. I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him and he's got a genuine love for the country and is in line with the priorities and hearty Protestant work ethic of the average American.

On the Democrat side, AOC is in ascendance - but I don't see her as ever rising higher than a fan-favorite of internet leftists. Her ideology is too unpopular with moderate Democrats to ever win a general election. I think Andrew Yang will be a very nice Vice President one day. Amy Klobuchar will continue building her reputation, but I think Mayor Pete won't run again, being so far out of the public eye and out of public office for years. And I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president.

I'm a fan of Tulsi Gabbard too, I think she'll make a major run in 2024.
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Warrior13 Posted: 14:53 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452448
Jimo Dashen
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I don't really see Pence as bland, more of an antithesis of Trump. And with how verbacious Trump is, he really needs Pence to continue that role for balance. He's much more presidential, I guess you can say, than Trump, which should be viewed as favorable. He can actually speak too, being quite articulate. I have a feeling he's gonna blow Harris out of the water on Tuesday, but we'll have to see.

You must like Pence, Mike. Us Mikes have to stick together in order to obtain world domination. XD

Dead on with AOC. Just like Bernie, but even more out there. Yang and Gabbard actually had some good ideas, but they never had the chance to speak with all those other "big name" candidates. I can't see anyone in this previous democratic field running again. I wouldn't put it past Kanye, but he got in far too late and is actually more of an independent. I could see Pete running again simply because he desires the limelight, much like Ron Paul had been for all those years for the republicans - never won anything.
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steelersrock01 Posted: 16:54 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452451
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Both the best and worst thing I've got to say about Pence is that I don't know a thing about him beyond the memes in 2016 with him as a superhero converting gay kids or whatever.
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Warrior13 Posted: 19:15 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452453
Jimo Dashen
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Better watch the upcoming VP debate then. ;)

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steelersrock01 Posted: 21:36 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452455
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I'll probably watch, even if just to hear something hopefully a bit more mature than the presidential one haha
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Matt77 Posted: 21:38 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452456
The Chosen One
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It is amazing being able to have a civil conversation about politics, without people ripping each other's heads off xD

Warrior - The Obama's have never faced, or lost to Trump. 0-0.

Mike - I can see Pence running because he has the link to Trump and will have the support of Trump fans, and he also is very strong with his faith. I think with anyone else, the Republicans would lose in 2024.

~ Sometimes people change, but sometimes you just open your eyes & realise who they truly are ~

Warrior13 said:I realized Matt is the Chosen One of SC.

Credits to KingofCorn for the awesome avatar!
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Warrior13 Posted: 23:03 Oct04 2020 Post ID: 3452459
Jimo Dashen
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Mike: We all knew Trump was gonna come out hot. He has had three years of torment from the dems in congress, Biden just happened to be the one to receive the anger and hurt. Oddly enough, the two polls I saw said Trump won the first debate: the first 51/49, the other 61/20/19 (final option was draw). Trump will surely be more presidential moving forward. But yeah, hopefully VP has more substance.

Matt: In the eyes of Obama, he has already lost to Trump once. Hilary was in his cabinet and he endorsed her and even campaigned for her. Why do you think he did not endorse Biden right away? Not only did he have to know he would be the nominee, but also that he had a shot. They wanna save face and preserve their overall favorable reputation.
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steelersrock01 Posted: 11:26 Oct05 2020 Post ID: 3452466
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I'm sure Pence will run in 24, I just doubt if he can win. It really depends on who the Dems put forward, they've developed this nasty habit of nominating the worst possible candidate.

I expect Pence will be more involved and more in the public eye in Trump's second term should he win.
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Warrior13 Posted: 20:26 Oct05 2020 Post ID: 3452469
Jimo Dashen
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Trump finally released from hospital. Wore mask home until directly outside White House with no one around as he saluted marine one aircraft. Yet the Dems are freaking that he did. People be so crazy. Maybe he should wear it while inside his office by himself.
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