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I was probably here before any of yall lol. I was a member here back in 1999 early 2000s before Supercheats and PSXGamer merged the forums into Gaming Update. Such a long time ago and a lot of good memories
Hard to say. Overwhelmed? At the same time, not whelmed enough? I dunno, I constantly have a million things on my plate, but I always feel like it's not enough.
Right now I'm a manager for one of the largest companies in the world, trying to transition some of their technology to newer standards. They've been using a bunch of scattered programs running on Windows 95, built in Visual Basic. It's a mess and costing the company millions. I'm trying to make something akin to Google Maps for their factories. However much you pinch and zoom, you get details down to individual electric motors within machines.
I compromised a lot. I sold 7 years of my life to be a millionaire. I haven't taken a walk in the park or seen the world since my early 20s. I learned more than I ever thought I would. I found the woman of my dreams, but never figured out how to keep her out of my spare change drawer.
I guess I feel accomplished, but tired. I'm hoping for a long nap one day. I hope you're doing well too, my favorite mythical buttmunch.
Man, currently dealing with this in healthcare. We just migrated fully to Azure and one of our sub companies is using a completely divorced setup, all proprietary software coded in Visual Basic to handle millions of dollars worth of insurance transactions, with hundreds of gigabytes of uploaded medical docs that need to be scanned in using a specific model USB scanner (discontinued) to a specific file path on a certain file server (running Server 2003) with a certain filename. Best thing is the guy who built it all on his own died suddenly last month and zero documentation exists. So we have to pay his ex business partner hundreds of dollars an hour when it breaks.
Incidentally, that exact thing is what's giving me so much of a headache right now. The company currently uses General Electric software to run things, and it is garbage. Half of the upper management wants to keep using it just to avoid proprietary issues 20 years down the line, and the other half is fed up with how badly things run.
Half the company is trying to push me into meetings to really get the ball rolling, and the other half is trying to keep me out of meetings. I feel like I'm in the most obscure echo chamber ever. It feels almost exactly like I'm caught up in a 2009 SC squabble, and I'm just like, "Man I don't want anything to do with this bureaucratic nonsense. If you need me, I'll be out back smoking with the hoodlums."
I guess some things never change, aside from my willingness to participate in the drama. At the moment my software is relegated to handing obscure side tasks like biweekly cleaning schedules of equipment and maintenance requests, at least until these old people make up their mind.
« Last edited by Forgoten_Scars on Mar 19th 2023 »
Yeah even some of us are finding new things to do, which has surprisingly helped my mental after the last few years. Is it related to the artwork change? Perhaps.
I'm back for the briefest of minutes. Hi. I've been a member here 19 f*cking years, boyos.
Owner of the formerly ranked number one Halo PC modded server in the world, FRIGID MASS CTF WAR. Joiner-friendly mods and five-minute hotfixes = loyal clientele.
Been here since February 2004. It's May 2022 as of writing this. Wish Rich would revive this place. Guess I'm only here for the nostalgia now.
Owner of the formerly ranked number one Halo PC modded server in the world, FRIGID MASS CTF WAR. Joiner-friendly mods and five-minute hotfixes = loyal clientele.
Been here since February 2004. It's May 2022 as of writing this. Wish Rich would revive this place. Guess I'm only here for the nostalgia now.
Yeah, me too. This place never reached the heights of GameFAQS or IGN boards but we had fun here. Worth pointing out that Gamefaqs is owned by Fandom who own all the wikis and is part of the network with Gamespot and Giantbomb and Metacritic. Lot of pageviews driving traffic there.
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