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RJ Fighter, that name rings a bell. I think we are talking way back when the likes of Cross Stinger, Nintendo Dude, and Aeshma roamed the SuperCheats forums. That's going back a few years now.
I randomly managed to log back in to this account, but I'm most certain I had at least one other account maybe two. McGint or DarkestDark or Anthrax or some nonsense back in the day.
When was the merger, because I was certainly here before it happened. There was mad wars between the forums and cliques all over the place.
GamingUpdate in all it's black and green. The PSX site like a retro PS2 skin.
I modded a few times across a couple of the forums as well.
Always remember Kris/Schnick from here as well for some reason.
Nothing wrong with pursuing a career first! That simply lays down a strong foundation for your future! How is IT treating you?
Also, thank you! It has actually been a lot of fun for this year and three months with a child in our lives! We are nearing to move from our starter house to a new one! So, excitement all around!
God, it is great to get back in contact with you again!
It's going well! I work 100% from home, got in with my current company a couple years ago and have gotten a few raises and promotions and now manage the support team for a decent-sized healthcare company. What do you do for work?
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