Yeah, it's been fun guys, and I've for the most part enjoyed serving the site as SMod over the years, minus some of the unnecessary drama, but I'm afraid I just can't keep up with it any more. My mental health's taken a turn for the worse lately and I'm afraid I just can't commit enough time to SC to justify retaining my position. Various people have commented on my inactivity already, and while I'd love to return to full activity I don't think spending more time online is the answer to my mental state worsening.
So... yeah, if Rich or any other admin that has that power could bump me back down to Member then it'd be appreciated. I'll still be around, probably still inactive for a fair while, but I'm not leaving outright. It's just not fair for me to keep hold of this position when I'm really not doing enough to keep it, particularly when a large chunk of the staff's been recently cut. Will be strange not seeing all the moderation options when I look at a thread though...
Oh, and if this could be moved to SCT afterwards so people know what happened and I can see any responses I might get it'd be appreciated. Just remembered I won't be able to see this forum after this thread gets noticed... Heh. ^^;
Signature and avatar made by Master Volthawk.
Email/MSN: empyrean decadence at hotmail dot com (Remove all spaces)
"Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of Genius." - William Blake.
Winner of Member Brawl '09. Finally cleared out enough sig space to include that.