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Yea, It is 50 posts, Because I just went threw it no to long ago. They wanta make sure its a human posting, not a Scab or a Hack, From another site. I joined a few years back, but I only checked out cheats and walks. Then I realized I couldn't post pics and crap till I followed the rules. That's pretty much it.!!... "over"
Honestly, yes. I'd rather lose the one or two people that would leave because of it than have to deal with fifty bots every day posting links to God knows what.
So you like potential users not being able to create content and leaving? 50 posts is a lot
Honestly, yes. I'd rather lose the one or two people that would leave because of it than have to deal with fifty bots every day posting links to God knows what.
I know you're pain, and agree with users having to wait a certain amount of times to make new topics. But, I'd like to see a more reasonable number like 10-20.
You could even disallow links from being posted until they reach x number of posts.
Honestly, I'm not even sure that it's 50 posts. It is silly that actual members can't post topics while guests can (I believe), however. I also think that new users that post links are automatically flagged.
Honestly, I'm not even sure that it's 50 posts. It is silly that actual members can't post topics while guests can (I believe), however. I also think that new users that post links are automatically flagged.
Guests being able to post topics would be an awful thing. 0.0
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