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steelersrock01 Posted: 10:12 Oct08 2020 Post ID: 3452483
Posts: 17,152
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So I watched the debate - Pence is the perfect counter to Trump. Calm, mild-mannered, eloquent. I think he won the debate in a landslide, it's a shame that fly incident is going to dominate discussion.

Kamala Harris is just such an unlikeable person. Tell me, honestly, if you can see anyone on either side of the political spectrum actually liking her? She's so fake and smug, and it's so clear she was only picked as VP because she's a PoC woman. And as a DA and prosecutor in California she incarcerated African Americans on petty drug charges at ridiculous rates, and said she plans to use that as a model federally. So I don't know why the left would even like her if they looked into her record.
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Warrior13 Posted: 10:43 Oct08 2020 Post ID: 3452487
Jimo Dashen
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Yeah, I think Pence clearly won. The media is trying to say Harris won, but I don't know how anyone who actually watched it could say that. The only topic she hung with Pence was on Covid, but Pence had some classy zingers. She literally was saying that the Trump Admin failed with Covid, but then, in the same breath, said she and Biden would basically do everything the Admin is already doing. Pence immediately pointed out the obvious, even stating "That sounds a lot like plagiarism, which Biden has had a history of doing..." After the Covid Topic, Pence dominated her. It wasn't even close. And that says a lot since most of the questions written by the Moderator were so harsh to Pence for most of the night. Honestly, the only softballs not thrown as Harris revolved around packing the court and the green new deal, and she literally dodged those questions because she and Biden know they will lose if they said the truth (either by losing the moderate Dems or the far left).

And then the facial expressions she made during the entire debate... I switched between CNN & FOX after the debate to get both views, and I can't believe CNN tried saying she was so kind and graceful by how she would always answer with a smile. Dude, she was literally smirking with a smug grin and rolling her eyes for most of the night. CNN even tried saying her favorability went up after the debate, which is just hilarious. And you wonder why so many don't trust the media and the current polling.

I do feel bad about the fly on his hair though. I can't believe the moderator or Harris didn't say or at least motion to him about it. It can happen to any of us, but it's worse for older people that can't feel it.

And did you hear that shortly after the debate, the commission decided to do the next pres debate virtually? Republicans are irate because they feel this is in hopes of continuing the push for Biden, especially after Harris lost in most eyes. Makes no common sense since Trump will not be contagious as early as the weekend. Trump has already stated he will not do a virtual debate.
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steelersrock01 Posted: 13:21 Oct08 2020 Post ID: 3452488
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A virtual debate just makes it easier for them to mute the candidates instead of letting them talk over each other, which is Trump's main - and successful - strategy.

The only slip up I noticed for Pence was one of the environmental questions - when he started answering he immediately pivoted to how Biden was going to raise taxes. He recovered later, but that was a bit of an awkward pivot. He also nailed the final question bringing up Scalia and RBG. He got her on the taxes thing too. She kept insisting they were going to repeal the Trump tax cuts on Day 1, then he would say that's raising taxes on normal Americans. She would insist that's not going to happen. But the logical leap he and most people make is that repealing tax cuts that made my taxes go down -> my taxes go back up.

Again she dodged the packing the court question, at this point I don't know why they don't just lie and say they wouldn't do it. Nobody is going to care that they lied. Dodging the question just looks guilty.

I also read up on the moderator and it turns out she is writing a biography on Nancy Pelosi. They could t least try to find someone without such a strong bias. Aside from the questions, the moderator often cut Pence off and let Harris continue speaking, a few times she spoke for 5 or 6 minutes without Pence getting a chance.

The Dems campaign is not "here's why you should vote for us", it's "you have to vote for us because at least we aren't the other guys" and I think that's going to hurt them.

« Last edited by steelersrock01 on Oct 8th 2020 »
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Warrior13 Posted: 13:38 Oct08 2020 Post ID: 3452490
Jimo Dashen
Posts: 29,535
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Yeah, some of the Pence transitions were a little rough, but that was because the moderator hardly let him reply to the shots from Harris. Pence, unlike Trump, didn't interrupt, instead waiting for his turn to reply. It meant half of his time went to replying while the other half went to the new question. Again, it was because he didn't receive time to respond. The moderator even said at one point that Pence had used far more time than Harris, yet after the debate, the time cards said he talked, yes, for three more seconds overall. -_-

I totally agree! I've been saying to my close circles that Biden/Harris that the two should just lie about the court packing and green new deal. What's the worst that can happen? You do the complete opposite after in office? Who's gonna stop you then? lol

Yes, the moderators have both been leaning one way thus far. Chris Wallace works for Fox and usually is conservative, but he gives off the Never Trump Attitude. The chick last night was clearly a Biden/Harris supporter, it was just sooooooo obvious from the start with how she delivered the questions with commentary. Is it so hard to find a unbiased moderator instead of a Trumpbilly or one suffering from TDS? Or at least one that can put politics aside so the American people can have a fair debate.
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Matt77 Posted: 22:51 Oct08 2020 Post ID: 3452494
The Chosen One
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I thought appointing Harris as Biden's VP was the Democrats giving their 2024 candidate some publicity. But it looks like that's not the case. The Democrats NEED a popular, convincing candidate for 2024 unless they want to see 16 years of Republican leadership.

I haven't seen any of the debate, but I did hear a tiny clip of it on the radio. It was basically Pence rebutting something Harris said, and she interrupted him and said "I'm speaking (pause) Mr. Vice President", 2 times maybe. I just got a bad vibe off her, from that one line only. It sounded a bit entitled to me.

Nothing in US Politics is unbiased. CNN is pro-Democrats, with lies and misleading statements. FOX is pro-Republicans, with liss and misleading statements. You're always going to ge a moderator that shows a bit of bias, at least. Wouldn't a better idea be to have 2 moderators; 1 Democrat and 1 Republican, who ask an equal amount of questions, and a 3rd moderator which oversees everything but asks no questions.

« Last edited by Matt77 on Oct 8th 2020 »

~ Sometimes people change, but sometimes you just open your eyes & realise who they truly are ~

Warrior13 said:I realized Matt is the Chosen One of SC.

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Warrior13 Posted: 05:46 Oct09 2020 Post ID: 3452498
Jimo Dashen
Posts: 29,535
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One moderator playing time keeper is enough. XD
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