Dennis - Roe v. Wade is the court decision that federally protects the right to abortion. If it's overturned as the leaked new decision suggests, that means that each individual state would be free to choose whether or not to ban them.
Personally, I think it should be upheld. I'm usually for state's rights, but in this case I think banning them would be a net negative. Not because I'm in favor of abortion as a concept - I'm definitely not - but because the people who are mostly getting the abortions are people who probably shouldn't be having children anyway. Teenagers, the poor, abuse victims, single mothers, and people who just plain don't want or aren't ready for children. The foster system is already incredibly stressed, too many kids already don't have a good life. If you're 17 and find out you're 6 weeks pregnant, or you find out your kid is going to be born without a heart or something, is it really a good idea to keep the baby? Now, late second and third trimester abortions are a much more dicey concept. I don't think you should be able to be 6 months pregnant and suddenly decide you don't want it anymore.
You can argue all day from the religious angle, or from a "consequences" angle - they should've used condoms or bene on the pill, or not had sex till marriage! - and maybe if they had better sex education that would work, but the fact of the matter is that young people are horny and do stupid things, and as a young person who has done many incredibly stupid things in the heat of the moment, it would've literally ruined my life at 20 if some of our scares had been real and we had been forced to keep the baby. And you can tell me all day about miracles and plans and things happening for reasons, but it's not something I'm going to change my mind on.
I don't have the stats at the moment, but I think abortions are at an all-time low anyway. It's basically a nothing burger. I have questions for people who are 100% against all abortions: When a 17 year old girl and her boyfriend make a mistake, she has a baby and can't take care of it well and struggles to find a job and can't go to college and is using WIC and every other support system, are you going to complain because your taxes went up? Are you going to help foster these kids and help give them a good home and a chance? We can talk all day about "consequences for actions" but at that point you are just punishing the innocent child.
As for states voting on it, that's fine IMO for things like weed, but in a case like this I don't want some bozo living across the state from me to make that decision for me.
Regarding Ukraine, yeah what a mess. I have no idea what Russia was thinking. I think the idea was to steamroll the whole country before the West could start funneling money and weapons, but that clearly didn't work. Seeing all the junk Soviet stuff from the 80's getting destroyed by modern NATO gear is pretty funny though. I think this war will still end up a technical "win" for Russia, since so much Ukrainian infrastructure and territory is just completely destroyed, but I don't think even the most pro-Russian person out there would be able to claim this has in any way been a good move for Russia.