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Mmm... managed to figure that out. Well, Jirachi is Steel/Psy, and Deoxys is Psy, Psycho Boost is a powerful move (Thank you white herb!!!!!), and Deoxys has tentacles (refer to Attack form) and Jirachi has notes on the forehead.
Try another one:
The only type hybrid that is weak to nothing. Psychic attacks will not hit this Pokemon.
I may add more clues if you can't guess.
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I was about to say Shiftry and Cacturne.(Bug moves KO's them!) But concerning Sableye, its only weakness is when Someone used Foresight or Odor Sleuth and uses a Fighting type move on it!!
I'm Ruby. Mewtwo's #1 Female Fan, also the Queen of the MEWTWO FAN KINGDOM!!! Please join the Kingdom! Mewtwo, is too sexy for words! *blushes* Speaking of Mewtwo, if you diss him, you're DEAD! Got it? Good!
I charge off to something but I do not know why I'm doing this!
I'm Ruby. Mewtwo's #1 Female Fan, also the Queen of the MEWTWO FAN KINGDOM!!! Please join the Kingdom! Mewtwo, is too sexy for words! *blushes* Speaking of Mewtwo, if you diss him, you're DEAD! Got it? Good!
My shiny form as if I look like if I was been in the sun too long and I am in Route 116.
I'm Ruby. Mewtwo's #1 Female Fan, also the Queen of the MEWTWO FAN KINGDOM!!! Please join the Kingdom! Mewtwo, is too sexy for words! *blushes* Speaking of Mewtwo, if you diss him, you're DEAD! Got it? Good!
I'm Ruby. Mewtwo's #1 Female Fan, also the Queen of the MEWTWO FAN KINGDOM!!! Please join the Kingdom! Mewtwo, is too sexy for words! *blushes* Speaking of Mewtwo, if you diss him, you're DEAD! Got it? Good!
The_Arbiter101 is my girlfriend,she rules,touch her and lose your life.I mod,All G-Cube games not yet listed,Arcade and Retro systems,Mario Party 6 and 7. Join these teams,TPM,Soalrbeam,Fox,Playboy,Rap/HippyHop music.Rebellion,Water,Blaziken and more.
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