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Forum Type: Videogame Name: The Orange Box Platforms: P.c, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 Reasons: I got it today and noticed it doesn't have it's own forum yet even though it's been out for a year or so, and it's epic.
Forum Type: Videogame Name: Spectrobes: Beyond The Portal(s) Platforms: Nintendo DS Reasons: We have a Spectrobes forum, but not a Spectrobes:BTP.
Forum Type: Videogame Name: Spectrobes: Origins Platforms: Wii Reasons: Been playing it, need help. noticed we don't have a forum for it or a Hub for the entire Spectrobes series and there is bound to be more.
Forum Type: Videgame Hub Name: Spectrobes Series Reasons: To contain all the fossilly goodness.
My Aipom is famous for being the strongest Aipom ever on this site. Join Team Shadow Hawks
I also noticed a lack of a Bioshock forum, that or I'm blind, so: Forum Type: Video Game Name: Bioshock Platforms: Xbox360, Playstation 3, P.c. Reason: It's pure epic.
Forum Type: Video Game Name: Bioshock 2 Platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3(Not to sure here yet, probably will be on it though), P.c. Reason: Not released till next year but a place to talk about it would be good.
Forum Type: Video Game Name: Smackdown vs Raw 2010 Reason: its coming out on October 20th and its good to be prepared.Plus some threads have been made about it and updates and talk have been going in the Smackdown vs Raw 2009 mem/mod/s-mod/admin meeting room.
« Last edited by ShadowStriker64 on Aug 30th 2009 »
-Less Cringey Stuff here -
Avy+Sig done by Cyn check out his Shop in the Graphic-Requests Forum if it still exists.
Forum Type: Video Game Name: Dissidia: Final Fantasy Reason: It came out last week, so putting it in with all the other Final Fantasy games makes sense.
Forum Type: Videogame Platform: PS2 Name: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5 (in the Naruto Series Hub) Reason: Game's coming out very soon, and want to get the forum up early.
May make random appearances every-so-often. Trying to officially return...
Forum Type: Videogame Platform PS2/PSP Name: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona Reason: There are 4 games in the series. The 1st has just been remade and released onto the PSP and another is due within the year.
Thanx to Craizen for the sig, love ya babe, Hubby for the avi.
Forum Type: Video Game Platform: PS3 & Xbox 360 Forum Name: Dragonball: Raging Blast Reason: The game is already out in America, Europe and Australia and needs a place in the DBZ Hub.
Forum Type: Video Game Platform: X360, PS3 & PC (At least I think there is a PC version) Forum Name: Left 4 Dead 2 Reason: It's good game, it could use a forum.
Forum Type:Video Games Forum Name: Dante's Inferno Game Name: Dante's Inferno Platform: PSP, Xbox 360, Ps3 Reason:Don't got one, and its a good/popular game
Forum Type:Video Games Forum Name: Forza Motorsport 3 Game Name: Forza Motorsport 3 Platform: Xbox 360 Reason:Good game. Really popular as well.
I think I can confidently say neither of those will be added. Jokes forum, well, a thread in GC would be better. Celeb gossip, simply put, No. I wouldn't be able to tell you eaxctly which rules it would break, or evem if it would break a rule, but it simply would not pass selection. To close to a chat forum I guess
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