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Primary Weapon:ACR Attachment/s: Red dot sight Secondary Weapon: pp-2000 Attachment/s:Akimbo Equipment:Semtex Special Grenade:Stun Grenade Perk 1:Scav pro Perk 2:Stopping power pro Perk 3:Steady aim pro
Primary: TAR-21 w/ Shotgun Secondary: RPG-7 Equipment: C4 Special: Stun Perk 1: Scavenger Pro Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Deathstreak: Final Stand
The C4 + Scavenger has become a recent gameplay "fetish" of mine in Hardcore Search And Destroy. Plant C4 on one bombsite, run over someone's dead body and steal their handbag, and then plant C4 on the other bombsite. No matter which one they go for, you got both of them covered with a touch of a button.
Primary: AUG HBAR w/ Grip Secondary: Model 1887 Akimbo Equipment: Semtex Special: Stun Perk 1: Sleight Of Hand Pro Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Deathstreak: Painkiller
This is my softcore class. Mainly because both of the weapons have a good amount of kick even without Stopping Power on.
"The Ferrari-designed engine springs to life with a praiseworthy, deep rich voice that sends chills to the sensory portion of the brain. The message is loud and clear: this is gonna be great." -TheAutoChannel on the GranTurismo S
Primary Weapon: Famas (Red Tiger camo) with FMJ Secondary Weapon: AA12 with Grip Kill Streaks: Predator Missile, Harriers and Pave Low Equipment: Semtex Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro Deathstreak: Copycat
Primary Weapon: TAR-21 with Silencer Secondary Weapon: Spas 12 with Grip Kill Streaks: Harrier, Chopper Gunner, Nuke Equipment: Claymore Special Grenade: Concussion Perk 1: Scavenger Pro Perk 2: Cold Blooded Pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Deathstreak: Painkiller
I mainly use this in Ground War and sometimes lower my Killstreaks to Predator, Harrier, Pave Low if I'm playing Free-for-All. If I'm playing with friends, I may put on Hardline and use UAV, Counter UAV, and Care Package to help them out if I'm not having a good go at things.
Usual Primary Weapon: Scar-H Attachment/s: Heartbeat sensor Secondary Weapon:Strker Attachment/s: Foregrip Equipment:Throwing Knife Special Grenade: Flash Perk 1: scavenger Pro Perk 2: Coldblooded pro Perk 3: Sitrep Deathstreak: Final Stand Highest killstreak: 15
Sniping Primary Weapon: Barret .50 Cal Attachment/s: heartbeat sensor Secondary Weapon:usp .45 cal Attachment/s: FMJ Equipment: Semtex Special Grenade: stun Perk 1: Scavenger pro Perk 2: Coldblooded pro Perk 3: commando Pro Deathstreak: Final stand Killstreak: 10
Stealth Primary Weapon: Scar-H Attachment/s: silencer Secondary Weapon: USP Attachment/s: Scilencer Equipment: claymore Special Grenade: smoke Perk 1: scavenger pro Perk 2: Coldblodded pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Deathstreak: Final stand Killstreak:16
Main class for HC Primary Weapon: ACR Attachment/s: Red Dot Sight Secondary Weapon:M1014 Attachment/s:Red Dot Sight Equipment:Frag Special Grenade:Flash Perk 1:Scavenger Pro Perk 2:Hardline Pro Perk 3:That one that allows you to see enemy electronics. I can't remember the name. >.< Deathstreak:Copycat
My MG Class. Or at least on of them. I like MG's. Primary Weapon:M240 Attachment/s:Grip Secondary Weapon:RPG-7 (Had the Javelin, but kept getting friendly fire in HC, so I changed it. Attachment/s:None Equipment:Semtex Special Grenade:Concussion Perk 1:Scavenger Pro Perk 2:Stopping Power Pro Perk 3:Steady Aim Pro Deathstreak:Final Stand
And my AR class. My sneak-around-camp-and-stab-you-in-the-back-class. Primary Weapon:M4A1 Attachment/s:Heartbeat Sensor, Silencer Secondary Weapon:Stinger Attachment/s:None Equipment:Tactical Insertion Special Grenade:Smoke Screen Perk 1:Bling Pro Perk 2:Cold-Blooded Pro Perk 3:Ninja Pro Deathstreak:Copycat. I love to fish with this class. <3
And my sniper, just cause I need to. Primary Weapon:M21 EBR Attachment/s:ACOG Sights Secondary Weapon:Model 1887 Attachment/s:Akimbo Equipment:Tactical Insertion Special Grenade:Smoke Screen Perk 1:Scavenger Pro Perk 2:Cold-Blooded Pro Perk 3:Steady Aim Pro Deathstreak:Copycat
Forum GuestPosted at: 03:56 Jul17 2012Post ID: 3130240
Forum Guest
primary weapon fal attachments shotgun equipment semtex perk 1 sleight of hand pro perk 2 cold blooded pro perk 3 ninja pro deathstreak martyrdom bye have to go bye from jye meers
Primary:ACR W/Red Dot Secondary:Striker W/Grip Equipment:Semtex Special Grenade:Stun Grenade Perk 1:Scavenger Pro Perk 2:Cold Blooded Pro Perk 3:Sitrep Pro Deathstreak:Martyrdom
Forum GuestPosted at: 00:53 Jun20 2013Post ID: 3253857
Forum Guest
my class is primary:M21 silencer secondary:N/A perk1:OneManArmyPro perk2:ColdBloddedPro perk3:SteadyAimPro leathal:Claymore tactical:Stun deathstreak:Painkiller Killstreaks:PredetorMissile, Harrier, and ChopperGunner
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