[quoteby=iiRAGEQUiiT]Let's see...
FFA Boosters,
Quickscopers who think that Quickscoping is better than what they like to call "hardscoping",
OMA noobtubes,
Teammates getting me killed,
The fact I can watch a specific entry point for an indefinite amount of time yet the moment I turn away/reload/pick up a new gun, someone will waltz in and kill me,
being killed in any slightly annoying way by the top player,
People with names like "Pr05N1p351337 xD" who suck at the game,
Needing 1 kill to win and end up being beaten to it,
Nerds who relate CoD to irl like "x1337Qs YoUx: LOL I guess that guy didn't have Sleight of hand pro, so he didn't QS the targets like pros such as I do.",
People who think quickscoping irl is possible. Go try it, tell many how many pieces your Eye socket was smashed into.
People survivng A shot to the ANYWHERE with ANY PERK from a barrett. The barrett could Rip your arm the heck off. And crush your ribcage the hell up. from miles away. Through a tank. In one damn shot. Without even hitting you.
Host migration during my air support, Especially Predators/Stealths.
Getting only Counter uav or lower in all my CPS from an EAD.
Joining a game that's about to lose.
Getting a billion messages regarding Quickscopes/10th lobbies. If I wanted 10th, I would hack it myself.
Being the only person on a 1-bar connection.
Getting a killstreak, Then the game ends before you can use it.
Getting shot at, running around the corner then having a heart attack.
Getting stuck on pointless bits of gemetry whilst watching something/Running from an attacker.
Picking up a gun that has low ammo/ empty clip. The reason I picked it up is becuase I want to kill someone and don't have time to reload before he moves.
Phantom shots.
Protecting a Care package for a team-mate, then a different team-mate steals it.
Teammates who go straight for the big CP rewards, regardless of me being RIGHT THERE. Do they really think I'm not going to get it in time? Doesn't happen much anymore, I let teammates take everything from my EADs.
Using copycat on someone who has a gun you want, and it turns out they actually picked it up, and you're left with something like a Riot shield.
Getting killed at all when I want a nuke.
Suicides when on a large streak.
People who Keep coming back to kill you, giving you little oppertunity to switch your spot.
Getting killed from behind who flanked you by randomly walking around an empty part of the level, and just find you there.
Being the only person the predator missile goes for.
People with clan tags like [Pro] or [Paki] or [NUBS], Crap like that. If you're not in a CLAN, don't put a CLAN TAG.
and this is just the beginning. ._.
Go back and play Cod4 bro, what I have been doing and Im enjoying it. The only thing that sucks is bad connection sometimes.