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well pretty much what the title says. I've gone back to modern warfare 2 seems my mate is a freak at quick scoping now. So I decided to become half of what he is at quick scoping, I'm getting there with many deaths xD
Lol i still play Mw2 don't like black ops can't quickscope on it, and it's fun went you join a hack lobby and jump 100m in the sky, and knife people from 20m away :D So yea i still Play Modern Warfare 2.
Sig & Avy by .Impact <3 Been a member since Feb 11 2007
Yeah, not that much but at least a couple times a month. Got better connection than Black ops. Played it last week and decided to finally prestige from 3rd since I barely play it. But so many hackers. Got into two fair matches last time.
Sir Adam of Peridot Nightmares
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