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BT3 is an awesome game. there are so many different characters and the controls are fluid. the next game will need to be epic, or it will be just a remake of the BT3.
In the next game, what do you want to be there? Here are some general things to consider: 1. new characters? 2. new stages? 3. new attacks in exchange for old attacks 4. custom- char. appearance, swapped attacks, etc 5. create stage/character? 6. fusion of any two characters? 7. new songs? 8. new melee attacks? 9. new game modes? 10. anything you can think of for the new game?
and if it came out for kinect, how should that infleuence the game?
At the end of each post, name your favorite character in a quote box like i will do below.
i think there should be mega spirit bomb instead of super. and super sayin 4 gogeta and and super vigito. and there should be three four and five people fusions awesome.
i have ideas for Budokai tenkaichi 4 the ideas: 1- af saga in story 2- af characters 3- af transformation like ssj5 4- online mode 5- create characters 6- af fusions 7- vegeta gt character
i have ideas for Budokai tenkaichi 4 the ideas: 1- af saga in story 2- af characters 3- af transformation like ssj5 4- online mode 5- create characters 6- af fusions 7- vegeta gt character
Forum GuestPosted at: 00:28 Aug26 2012Post ID: 3143474
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i think they should add general rilldo and his transformations, and maybe fusion options for all or at least characters that might have fused in the story if things had gone differently
Forum GuestPosted at: 22:45 Jan07 2013Post ID: 3196827
Forum Guest
Instead of these pathetic rosters from all DBZ games. how about they save up money and make a game with all Caracters.(Transformations two) all stages, character creator, stage creator(at least DLC) no limit to your custom characters power. you can train and fight to make your character stronger if a saiyan. like each fight you go up depending on damage taken or given. beginning power would be like 4000. then after alot of training and battles and working on your moves it could be 1000000000. super attacks would be worth 30,000 damage. and ultimate attacks would be 100,000 damage. and if you have so much power you can destroy the planet for an instant win. but it has to be an ultimate attack. and can only be used if your power level gets low.and when you transform reset your power level.(only once for each transformation). power level you would need to be at to be ssj. ssj1(225,000) ssj2(448,000) ssj3(865,000) ssj4(100,000)then after that you can keep ranking up your health, super attacks and so on. and make the dragonballs wishes different. I mean give us a list of wishes. like over 50. maybe we can wish for us to be a ssj or wish our power level to a certain point. but make the dragon balls hard to find. and you have to do so many quests for bulma to get a dragon radar. but she won't give one to you if your evil. and a planet health would like 100,000. once it reaches zero the planet is destroyed and who ever finshes the fight before your health reaches zero in space wins. i could give all kinds of idea's. Win I graduate in 2 years and go to collage to be game designer. I'm going to make the best dragonball z game. even if its released in 2032. so be it.
starter i dont like af but the chareters in it would be good in a game. Fusion of all chareters(exyamcha and tien) All chareters from dragon ball to gt even R.R.A soilder and king yema better graphics online team and pvp modes the ability to create a custum charater or use real z-fighters(only original one no piccolo or vegeta) also more game modes
Forum GuestPosted at: 11:36 Jun02 2013Post ID: 3250363
Forum Guest
Ok I have a really good idea you should make a game mode where it's kinda free roam but be able to make your own character any race and be able to build him up so it takes a little while to be able to turn super sayin etc then be able to be good or bad if ur bad u fight against goku and them if ur good you fight along side them you should add in god Mode goku and vegeta great ape Gohan general Wildo you should give us an option of what super moves we give our custom create characters and a DLC create a map thing. And I think I said this but make a free roam option like (dc universe but with dragon ball z) PLEASE READ THIS
Forum GuestPosted at: 18:27 Jul03 2013Post ID: 3256917
Forum Guest
1-fuse fused fighters 2-create fighter 3-new attacks 4-create attacks 5-great apes turn to ssj1-3 and after that lv up to ssj4 6-online PvP,team red hearing characters on all modes 7-all character should transform 8-attacks take more damage 9-better graphics 10-come with instructions to play online 11-all ss should be able to go ssj4 12-make a roam mode for created characters have time to build him up so it will take a while to to ssj1-6 13-make a LOT of modes like in dbz BT3 x2 so people won't be bord and it will give us lots of option PLEASEEEEE READDDDD THISSSSS
Forum GuestPosted at: 16:10 Jul04 2013Post ID: 3257044
Forum Guest
my ideas for DBZ BT4 1. fuse fused characters 2. more characters/Battle of the gods characters 3.explore more/ you can walk/fly/run around stages and travel to otherworld and namek and talk to other characters 4. more stages 5. giant characters should be a LOT bigger 6. have up to 10 plays on team battles and have 20 fighters playing in team battle mode 7. more modes 8. better graphics 9. swap moves for other moves 10.create own characters. more ideas coming soon.
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