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alright... ive got an idea for u, if u want the game to be more "fun" in your opinion, meaning having fair races... when u go to a race, go to settings and down tune ur car and then ur hp will be more "fair" and another thing, nfs isnt chesy, its effin sick but its if u like simulators or arcade games, nfs has the best balance, gt4 cant even get drifting phycics right so ill stick with my gt4 for now and probably be on nfs for a few yrs then when gt5 comes out ill go back to that and so on... [b][/b]i just cant belive that ur complaining about a problem that u can fix by not tuning ur car all the way or by changing the settings and parts on ur car[b][/b]...no offence
when u say fav car, do u mean in the game or real life? in the game its the buick special cause its a car from 1962 and when fully tuned it smokes the chevrolet camarao LM class cars even when they r fully tuned. in real life... no thats a question, im gonna have to go with the 2005 saleen S7, 0-60? any1 kno? probably not, no1 knos much about them....2.8 seconds...now thats a car...plus, its american, and a V8...NOW THATS A CAR!
my fav car has gotta be a close call between the doge charger 440 r/t 69 (for the lovley sideways action :smile and the bmw m5 both of course are severly messed with!!! THE FUZZY ONE !!!!!
Suzuki escudo PP is mental, but fun, but my fave car has to be the Nissan Skyline, come on, look at it! Its a beauty! And, don not ask me why, but the other day I went and got a used Volvo S-something Estate, and for some reason, I love it. Help me
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