My dream teams changes a lot as you can see from previous post but I will be doing using a lot of the new pokemon I like for playing PBR mostly unless one of the Col Leaders give me a hard time then I will choose my main battle squad from previous generation.
Kyogre, Articuno, Suicune, Pidgeot, Espeon, Blastoise - Pokemon
Willy, Storm, Foxy, Fawkes, Luv Puss, Havok - Their Names
That is my team I am always using mostly when I play the game with substitutes:
Lugia, Entei, Crobat, Venasuar, Electabuzz(soon will be Electivire) - Pokemon
Yugio, Eve, Akasha, Joint, Shoxx - Their names
« Last edited by nyeem78 on Apr 11th 2007 »Trainer: NIKO
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