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My favorite is the striker,red9,and the orignal shotgun of coares [i just got the typewriter today] and i love it i posted this original meesage yesterday
mine are the red 9 , riot gun, killer 7, semi-auto sniper, handgun, punisher, blacktail, matilda, and broken butterfly. not really my fav but those are the ones i use all fully customized
my faverite is to go though the game with the whole game with just the custom TMP(hunk's type) dont ask me how i got it so i can do the neck breaker move(dont ask me how i can do that ethier) and the hand cannon SWEET!!!
I'm going to study and devote my time and become a Ninja! Ninjas are awsome!! come and join my new team, Team Resident Evil Thanks To Friendly_Dragon43 for the siggy ^_^
yeah my favorite guns definitly the fully upgraded exclusive also red9 is almost as powerful as the striker but more accurate by the way get new pictures i cant tell whos who woithout reading names *****
yeah my favorite guns definitly the fully upgraded exclusive also red9 is almost as powerful as the striker but more accurate by the way get new pictures i cant tell whos who woithout reading names *****
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