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I use the Semi-Auto Rifle short range sometimes. But yeah, I'd either use the Striker or the Broken Butterfly for short range and for chainsaw bearing maniacs.
I'm finished here...
Special thanks to Yossy666 for the avatar and signature images.
Yes, and the Striker. It;s funny that the Striker's Exclusive is Capacity, the Riot Gun's Exclusive is Firepower and yet even then the Striker is more powerful.
I'm finished here...
Special thanks to Yossy666 for the avatar and signature images.
It takes up no inventory space, saves ammo, you can knife someone in the knee which sets up a suplex/kick and you can knife someone who's down on the floor which can kill them before they can get up.
Whenever you run low on ammo (not empty) for a weapon, switch to another one (knife in my case) after you kill a few enemies there's a 75 percent chance that they will drop ammo for the gun you need. Plus plaga heads are rare anyway and it only takes 1 shot from the BB to bring them down.
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