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Yeah, I Agree with you on that. I'm happy that HUNK's back though, 4th Survivor was quite poor on RE2 - hopefully it'll be better in first person.
Some parts of the game take part in 2002/2003 which is before RE4, so maybe Krauser might make an appearance since he's linked with Wesker and UC has more of a focus on Wesker.
i have RE: the umbrella chronicles...but really, u can play as Ada in it?
« Last edited by ultimatetrainer005 on Dec 31st 2007 »
credit goes to tp for the awesome sig!!! Friends with:swampert owner, shadow_cresselia_101, precise_answera, Deoxys360, Charizard 1276, Twilight Prince
who is Richard? i just got my first 2 Resident Evil games for Christmas, so im a noob at the game, i guess
credit goes to tp for the awesome sig!!! Friends with:swampert owner, shadow_cresselia_101, precise_answera, Deoxys360, Charizard 1276, Twilight Prince
A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, and probably the most well known member of Bravo Team after Rebecca Chambers.
He first appeared in the original Resident Evil, where you find him poisoned by the giant snake (I think the snake is called Yawn). Whether or not you actually deliver the serum to him in time, he dies, although if you deliver it to him in time he will give you his radio.
In the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil his life can be prolonged if you deliver to poison to him in time, although you have a much shorter time to deliver it to him (a rather tight four minutes compared to the easy twenty or so you had in the original version). He will be killed later on in the game. In Jill's scenario, he helps you out in the first battle with Yawn. When Yawn is close to defeat for the first time, he will attmpt to eat Jill. Richard sacrifices himself and gets swallowed by Yawn in Jill's place. In Chris' scenario, he is being tended to by Rebecca when the player encounters him. Chris meets him in the Aqua Ring below the Guardhouse/Resdidency later on in the game. Richard pushes Chris out of the way as Neptune the shark surfaces to attack, and Richard meets a rather messy demise in Chris' place. In both scenarios, the player can retrieve the radio if they save Richard, and when Richard gets killed later on, they can pick up his Assault Shotgun, which has more firepower and a higher ammo capacity than the normal Shotgun.
In Umbrella Chronicles, several files explain more about Richard. He appears during the "Nightmare" side-chapters during the Mansion Incident alongside Rebecca, although he is not a playable character. He also makes a brief appearence at the end of the first main Mansion Incident chapter. At the end of the first Train Derailment chapter, he radios Rebecca to inform her of the Bravo Team redezvous at the mansion. His true death still remains unknown, as although it's pretty certain he didn't live to escape the mansion, his death is never revealed in Umbrella Chronicles.
oh, yeah! after i beat the snake, Jill talked 2 Richard...i think. she said "everything is going 2 be alright, Richard" or something like that
credit goes to tp for the awesome sig!!! Friends with:swampert owner, shadow_cresselia_101, precise_answera, Deoxys360, Charizard 1276, Twilight Prince
Yeah. Most of his screen time is during Rebecca's two "Nightmare" chapters, which run through everything Rebecca and Richard go through after Richard finds Rebecca in the Guardhouse/Residence until Chris and Jill find them in the library.
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