Luigi CODE for SM64 (U) ROMS: (Check before the title screen appears.)
8107EC40 104F
8107EC42 0200
8107EC38 104F
8107EC3A 0200
8107EC20 111B
8107EC22 3E00
8107EC28 111B
8107EC2A 3E00
8107EC70 5205
8107EC72 0100
8107EC68 5205
8107EC6A 0100
8107ECA0 3D0B
8107ECA2 0A00
8107EC98 3D0B
8107EC9A 0A00
8107EC50 8282
8107EC52 8200
8107EC58 8282
8107EC5A 8200
8107EC70 2B12
8107EC72 0200
8107EC68 2B12
8107EC6A 0200
8107EC80 7F60
8107EC82 3C00
8107EC88 FEC1
8107EC8A 7900
8107ECA0 4A05
8107ECA2 0100
8107EC98 4A05
8107EC9A 0100
D033AFA0 0008
8033B177 0010
D033AFA0 0004
8033B177 0012
D033AFA0 0002
8033B177 0021
D033AFA0 0001
8033B177 0001
D133AFA0 E000
8133B17E 08A4
D133AFA0 E000
8133B17C 1080
8033B3BC 0005
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1C4 4277
8833B248 0001
802C3AE3 00FF
8125267A 428A
8033B3BC 00F1
8124C7EA 3F80
8124C7DA 3F47
812535C2 3F80
812535BE 3F47
Voice-Pitch higher:
8131CC02 3F00
No voice at all:
803331C2 0000
Triple-Jump Copter Spin:
8126B828 8FAD
8126B832 1080
8126B836 08A4
8033B3BC 0000
- Jumps Higher
- Jumps Further
- Taller and Slimmer
- Boos don't disappear when looked at
- D-Pad Down to turn invisible, D-Pad left to Hold Cap, D-Pad
Right For No Cap, and D-Pad Up to turn back to normal. (Works for all).
Unfortunately, there is no way to change the sideburns, mustache and hat emblem
without using Toad's Tool 64 by editing the textures.
Credits to BlueToonYoshi and Donaldthescottishtwin. I removed, added, and edited some stuff.
« Last edited by on Jun 27th 2015 »