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Mine is Roy. I can easily win a 64 man tournament with him and with all the cpu's at lvl 9 and me being the only human in the tournament, (1,63cpu). Roy's my boy, Roy's my boy.
My best is peach. I have an avatar for her, but it won't let me use it. Does it have to be a square? as in 100x00 or 60x60, or can it be something like 100x76?
My best is Captain Falcon....I know more about him than I do about any other char, although sometimes I play really sloppily with him. My next best is Marth, who's a little more consistent for me.
DDR: want to pass Paranoia Survivor ~ Religions are just cults with more members. -- The resident SSB:M Captain Falcon user. -- "Let's eat fast so we can eat again!" ~ Ash
Man, marth seems to be really popular... (at least for a second character). My best is marth, but its not like I'm good or anything. and my marth is green, just as a little random fact.
I am Cylun. May your life be easy and your future ripe.
you should have guessed that my best is falcon, from my sig :p
DDR: want to pass Paranoia Survivor ~ Religions are just cults with more members. -- The resident SSB:M Captain Falcon user. -- "Let's eat fast so we can eat again!" ~ Ash
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