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I like Roy the best. His attacks are easy to adjust to, and they do good damage with the combos I like to pull off. I don't really care about his jumping for some reason. If I want a jumper, I'll use my dominant character, Kirby.
I personally love speed more than power, but I'm going to have to say Roy is the man for the job. He's got what I need. He's harder to knock out than Roy, and he has fire damage.
They are both good characters;Marth has speed and lightness, and Roy is more powerful and heavy. But Roy wins it with two things:a fully charged B attack, and his counter.
HAHA this thread made me ROFL... Roy is just a clone of marth thats slower, his B move may be powerful fully charged but the chance of you pulling off a fully charged B move in a match is next to none. Also i don't think anyone would be stupid enough to walk into it
Marth is much better, you try some air combos with Roy and you'll see the difference
Marth's combo moves destroyed a lot of my friend's characters. He kept switching from Bowser to Kirby and then to DK. Marth is better than Roy, but I hate both their Up+B moves.
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