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I think I'm pushing it =/

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yossy666 Posted: 22:17 Nov14 2009 Post ID: 2764146
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So the other day, after school, I went with a couple of friends, just doing stuff in town right. Then we call up some other people, and we end up going back to someone's house to watch a movie. Then, after that's done, we go get some dinner, end up staying there for way longer than expected, and realise it's nearly midnight. So I drive everyone home, then when driving the last one home, we end up staying outside her house for like half an hour just talking about stuff. I look at my phone, and see it's nearly 1 o'clock. So I drive home, and when I get there, dad's way p*ssed. He was alright the next morning, but yeah.

Anyway, this is really becoming a regular occurrence for me. It's pretty much like every second day I'm out and don't get home until late. I can see my parents taking the keys away soon, which is gonna suck ;_;

Anyway, the point is, any of you guys ever get the feeling that you're really pushing the boundary? Whether it be doing stupid stuff and getting into trouble with the police, or p*ssing off teachers, or with your parents?
i wanna live like james dean, i wanna die a superstar.
yossy666 | Komodo | Aaden Foli | 02 Dissociative. | yossy666
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guy in oakland Posted: 22:53 Nov14 2009 Post ID: 2764162
guy in oakland
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you posting this now is absolutely hilarious because I just experienced this

I came home yesterday at 2 am,my mom was somewhat upset but didn't yell much since she was too into a movie she was watching.


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pwnthemonkeys Posted: 23:06 Nov14 2009 Post ID: 2764171
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You should put an alarm on your watch or phone to tell you when you should hurry up.

I'm incredibly lazy.I end up pissing one of my parents off because I haven't taken out the garbage for about two days or something else.They yell and stuff,but the next day it's all normal and I go back to being lazy.
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XZYOE Posted: 23:37 Nov14 2009 Post ID: 2764182
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Not doing my homework and letting it pile maybe... I can't drive yet so nothing too serious.
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Forgoten_Scars Posted: 23:41 Nov14 2009 Post ID: 2764184
Orbis terrarum est mei
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hmm... fliping off/cussing out my teachers, sleeping in class, dropping my pants and mooning people at my school... no, i dont feel that im pushing it at all
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sid140 Posted: 00:07 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764187
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Actually, I never do any of my homework, and I have algebra first thing in the morning. Seriously, the teacher is nuts. We get at least 60+ problems every night. I always find a way to get it done right before 8:10 though. One time I was actually sitting outside of her door and as soon as she opened it, I finished. If she saw me, she wouldn't have taken it.

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coachcline Posted: 01:37 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764216
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Well as far as what you mean, no not really. But I do have this thing where I worry about things a lot & I think I really get on my parents' nerves sometimes cause I'm constantly askin' them what's wrong.

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Austinanymous Posted: 01:59 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764219
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As soon as I can drive and not be bound by the restrictions of the first-6-months-of-having-a-license chains, I fear I'll be out until the wee hours of the morning too.

I doubt the 'rents will be too happy.
"i once killed an antelope, you should come over for dinner"
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Brandon 2006 Posted: 02:17 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764220
Brandon 2006
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I drink and smoke weed I walk the thin red line my friends. :P

My parents don't really give me a curfew they just want me in bed in the morning at home so they know I'm safe. Unless discussed that I'm staying somewhere I stay on my parents good side by getting home anywhere before like 6 AM. As long as I do that everything is cool.

As for teachers there was always some fuss with the few bad ones I had. Most were cool and I respected highly, but some there was definite issues and detentions got tossed around all that fun stuff.

As for police I don't have to many run ins with them. Haven't talked to an officer for 2 weeks, but before that it was like 1 year or two since last speaking to one. I tend to be smart about where I do the things I do and stay out of areas where police might become a problem.

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Volke Posted: 07:34 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764249
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My parents weren't even annoyed when I got stupidly drunk and ended up sleeping in a Japanese family's home, which was above their restaurant (breakfast was delicious). In fact, when they heard about it, they thought it was hilarious.

I don't live at home anymore, but when I did, it was similar to the relationship Brandon seems to have with his parents. As long as I arrive home at some point, and they know I'm safe, all's well, and I never had trouble with that. As far as parents go, they're pretty lenient, but not too laid back.
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Ryuujin Posted: 11:04 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764296
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Wait, how'd you end up staying at a Japanese family's house for the night? XD
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Volke Posted: 12:19 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764308
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On 15-Nov-2009 Ryuujin said:Wait, how'd you end up staying at a Japanese family's house for the night? XD
The story's in another thread somewhere, but since I honestly can't be bothered to look for it, here it is again:

Once upon a time...

Me and some friends went on a big drink up one night. It's not unusual, of course, but this time we thought it would be a good idea to go jogging. A couple of them thought it would be a good idea to go streaking, so those of us that didn't let them lead the pack (we were looking up at the sky the entire time) and slipped off as soon as we got the opportunity. My two streaking friends were later arrested.

Anyway, we bought more drinks from a nearby shop (which was still open. As the event we went to started at 8:00 PM, we'd been drinking since then, which was quite early. By this period, it was about 11:30 PM) and drank them whilst jogging. We then thought that it would be a brilliant idea for the four of us to race to a certain area (nobody actually remembers where or what it was) by using a different route each.

We were extremely smashed at this point, and none of us actually made it to the said location. After a few minutes' running to this destination, I decided to pick up some Japanese food from a local Japanese restaurant/takeaway run by a Japanese family who knew me quite well, as I was and still am a regular there. They didn't give me any food, incase I was sick (very understandable), but they did give me a pint of water to drink, and man, drink it I did, I was so thirsty. Since I was a good half hour's drive from the Uni Halls, they offered to let me spend the night in their spare bedroom once I had sobered up (something that I do relatively quickly, especially if I drink water), which a graciously accepted. The next morning, I apologised, but they were just like "Oh, it's nothing. It's what you students should be doing. We were happy to have you as our guest." And ever since then, I receive discounts whenever I eat their, and am currently dating their 23-year old daughter.

As for my other three friends. Well, another one was arrested, and two somehow found each other and caught a taxi for the long drive back to the Halls, which cost a lot of money. Since they were too drunk to get their keys into the locks on their doors, so they just laid down and slept in the hallway.

So as you might have guessed, I was certainly the most fortunate of my group that night.
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balthiersbit Posted: 12:56 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764321
Poop DinoQueen
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I stayed up till 2am last night drinking, I spanked myself severly for it the next day.

On a serious note I couldnt push boundaries cos Id get a beating anyway so high five for discipline.

Thanx to Craizen for the sig, love ya babe, Hubby for the avi.
testuser said:Someone needs to put you over their knee..

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Ryuujin Posted: 13:06 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764329
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Awesome story, Volke. ;_;
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Prod1gy X Posted: 20:15 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764493
Prod1gy X
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On 15-Nov-2009 Volke said:The story's in another thread somewhere, but since I honestly can't be bothered to look for it, here it is again:

Once upon a time...

Me and some friends went on a big drink up one night. It's not unusual, of course, but this time we thought it would be a good idea to go jogging. A couple of them thought it would be a good idea to go streaking, so those of us that didn't let them lead the pack (we were looking up at the sky the entire time) and slipped off as soon as we got the opportunity. My two streaking friends were later arrested.

Anyway, we bought more drinks from a nearby shop (which was still open. As the event we went to started at 8:00 PM, we'd been drinking since then, which was quite early. By this period, it was about 11:30 PM) and drank them whilst jogging. We then thought that it would be a brilliant idea for the four of us to race to a certain area (nobody actually remembers where or what it was) by using a different route each.

We were extremely smashed at this point, and none of us actually made it to the said location. After a few minutes' running to this destination, I decided to pick up some Japanese food from a local Japanese restaurant/takeaway run by a Japanese family who knew me quite well, as I was and still am a regular there. They didn't give me any food, incase I was sick (very understandable), but they did give me a pint of water to drink, and man, drink it I did, I was so thirsty. Since I was a good half hour's drive from the Uni Halls, they offered to let me spend the night in their spare bedroom once I had sobered up (something that I do relatively quickly, especially if I drink water), which a graciously accepted. The next morning, I apologised, but they were just like "Oh, it's nothing. It's what you students should be doing. We were happy to have you as our guest." And ever since then, I receive discounts whenever I eat their, and am currently dating their 23-year old daughter.

As for my other three friends. Well, another one was arrested, and two somehow found each other and caught a taxi for the long drive back to the Halls, which cost a lot of money. Since they were too drunk to get their keys into the locks on their doors, so they just laid down and slept in the hallway.

So as you might have guessed, I was certainly the most fortunate of my group that night.
Wow Volke, your crazier than I thought.

Anyways, since my parents are dead, I have no boundary limits except speeding tickets.

[b][color=black]MSN: [email protected][/b]

If you cant read it you are blind Speak to the hand
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Ryuujin Posted: 21:02 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764514
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They're both dead? Care to explain how that happened?
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Forgoten_Scars Posted: 22:10 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764527
Orbis terrarum est mei
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didn't think ya did stuff like that volke

nikki, you spank yourself?!

« Last edited by Forgoten_Scars on Nov 15th 2009 »
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ShadowStriker64 Posted: 23:12 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764533
The Young Lord
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no.although there was this funny story once.

it began long long ago in the year 2008,in a far far away galaxy named australia.*star wars theme*

so me and a friend got a bag of crap(well he did. dont know where he got it from)and he lit it and rang someone doorbell who stepped on it and called the police(who were nearby due to another disturbance..*coughuscough*)and we bolted.i hid behind a tree and my friend got arreted...good times...good stuff

just remembered a good one.

so we were in class me and 3 friends and one always has a one of my friends had a tampon(and we r all guys so i dont know where he got it)and stuck it in the guys drinkbottle.

« Last edited by ShadowStriker64 on Nov 15th 2009 »

-Less Cringey Stuff here -

Avy+Sig done by Cyn check out his Shop in the Graphic-Requests Forum if it still exists.

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Ryuujin Posted: 23:21 Nov15 2009 Post ID: 2764534
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On 15-Nov-2009 Forgoten_Scars said:didn't think ya did stuff like that volke

nikki, you spank yourself?!
You don't spank yourself?
Spanking's for the cool kids. |:
Nikki does it, Vasoline does it, Qwert does it, I think Tank might, don't do it? ._.
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yossy666 Posted: 00:49 Nov16 2009 Post ID: 2764560
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On 15-Nov-2009 Volke said:The story's in another thread somewhere, but since I honestly can't be bothered to look for it, here it is again:

Once upon a time...

Me and some friends went on a big drink up one night. It's not unusual, of course, but this time we thought it would be a good idea to go jogging. A couple of them thought it would be a good idea to go streaking, so those of us that didn't let them lead the pack (we were looking up at the sky the entire time) and slipped off as soon as we got the opportunity. My two streaking friends were later arrested.

Anyway, we bought more drinks from a nearby shop (which was still open. As the event we went to started at 8:00 PM, we'd been drinking since then, which was quite early. By this period, it was about 11:30 PM) and drank them whilst jogging. We then thought that it would be a brilliant idea for the four of us to race to a certain area (nobody actually remembers where or what it was) by using a different route each.

We were extremely smashed at this point, and none of us actually made it to the said location. After a few minutes' running to this destination, I decided to pick up some Japanese food from a local Japanese restaurant/takeaway run by a Japanese family who knew me quite well, as I was and still am a regular there. They didn't give me any food, incase I was sick (very understandable), but they did give me a pint of water to drink, and man, drink it I did, I was so thirsty. Since I was a good half hour's drive from the Uni Halls, they offered to let me spend the night in their spare bedroom once I had sobered up (something that I do relatively quickly, especially if I drink water), which a graciously accepted. The next morning, I apologised, but they were just like "Oh, it's nothing. It's what you students should be doing. We were happy to have you as our guest." And ever since then, I receive discounts whenever I eat their, and am currently dating their 23-year old daughter.

As for my other three friends. Well, another one was arrested, and two somehow found each other and caught a taxi for the long drive back to the Halls, which cost a lot of money. Since they were too drunk to get their keys into the locks on their doors, so they just laid down and slept in the hallway.

So as you might have guessed, I was certainly the most fortunate of my group that night.
You're a bloody legend.
i wanna live like james dean, i wanna die a superstar.
yossy666 | Komodo | Aaden Foli | 02 Dissociative. | yossy666
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