Oh my gosh.
I know I'm a bit late and probably breaking the rules I used to enforce regarding all-caps titles, but I figure I'll go at it again (even though my other thread is right below here).
So, turns out, a member named "latiasfinder" (you may know him) is a legitimate personal friend of mine. We went to college together. We worked on projects together. That was definitely a small world moment for me.
I'm still holding on, being a software engineer in the middle of Atlanta.
I can't express enough, Rich, Dennis, how this small forum you guys envisioned 19 years ago helped shape me into who I am today. Whether it was battling for position as moderator of the Pokemon forums, sending dramatic emails back and forth about whether Filip was too ban-hammer happy, or role playing in Teams, I loved my time as a member, moderator, and friend of everyone here.
For anyone else still reading this sob story, if you play League of Legends, let me know, and we'll play together.
I'll be here next year, and every other year that Rich keeps this domain registered. I still firmly believe that forums are the penultimate of places to go for any answers to questions, as they help those in the future with similar questions, unlike social media, so I'll be sure to post any video game related questions here, just like the old, active days.
I miss everyone, and I love you all.
« Last edited by tbug2007 on Sep 8th 2018 » ubr cuulness by Craizin the raizin. <3 FILIP R POLICE