Not. Een on for quite a while. Well came back yesterday. And have seen that folk hardly ever viset the site or post.
I co e over to se how my faveret part of the site was doing.
And i see that folk are now posting thair websites and advertising
Dont get me started onthe acual site advertising.
No sereusly dont
I never thought i would se the day that supercheats was so empty. It was a good site. Its a shame that evryone has left bar yhe odd fue dedicated oldish members.
Annyway for oldtimes sake i will just say this
Welcome to supercheats
Berita bola
Please folow the rules and have fun
Sir Bel-te Amethyst Knight of Welcomes
forum status: retired Moderator
forum: new member welcome forum (2005-2010)(corect me if i got second date wrong)
my coment: i was THE New members welcome forum mod (my opinion :P )