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Forum backup and shutdown plan?

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LordB Posted: 16:15 Feb18 2022 Post ID: 3457132
Forum GuestMember
Posts: 3
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In the past, I have referenced and contributed to sites such as Yahoo Answers, which disappointingly ended up shutting down with little notice after operating seemingly well for a long time, i.e. over a decade.

In the case that this forum ends up shutting down at some point in future, I would like to ask whether it has a backup plan. Since text compresses efficiently, will a compressed archive of users' contributions be released? And how long in advance would there be a warning?
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darkboarder_77 Posted: 03:22 Feb21 2022 Post ID: 3457149
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I'm no admin -- was once a supermod, hey -- but after 18 years and seeing the state of the site now, my off-the-cuff guess is that's a fat "no".

I have noticed that older threads aren't deleted. I have threads from my early pubescence still extant -- right here, right now, as Fat Boy Slim once said. You need only search or flip back through General Chat's long-ass catalogue of tripe sh*t to see that.

They're willing to store things from two decades back, so... perhaps... a plea and some negotiation from a few vets with weight can make it possible. (*wink*)

However, I believe this site exists only for fodder as ad revenue at this point, and that's not embodied in the forum but in the subs. No disrespect to Rich or Dennis, but look around -- the state of things. Most of this forum's apparent infrastructure is from the PS2 era with minor appendages at best.

SuperCheats' social side was never a priority, and my exploration back to 1999's SC with WayBackMachine has cemented that conclusion. This has only ever been one of many like it. They simply don't care enough to moderate this place (hardly f*cking did in 2004 tbh) and likely will not expend bandwidth to backup and upload General Chat, Spam Fest or anything else for our sake.

Still, I endorse your suggestions. I'd much like a memento to keep for myself. I'm not in any way disagreeing, just presenting the unlikelihood of your -- our -- wishes. But I do greatly support your idea.

Cheers, friend.

Edit: smol typo.

« Last edited by darkboarder_77 on Apr 17th 2022 »
Owner of the formerly ranked number one Halo PC modded server in the world, FRIGID MASS CTF WAR. Joiner-friendly mods and five-minute hotfixes = loyal clientele.

Been here since February 2004. It's May 2022 as of writing this. Wish Rich would revive this place. Guess I'm only here for the nostalgia now.

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steelersrock01 Posted: 23:26 Mar17 2022 Post ID: 3457419
Posts: 17,163
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Sorry, I only check the General Chat forum so I haven't seen this. But darkboarder is right for the most part. I was a supermod and then an admin here at what was probably the forum's apex of activity and through its decline and can say the forum has never been a real priority.

That said, I don't think it's necessarily a wild idea for a backup to be possible. If you just took the text of posts, omitting avatars and sigs and page styles, and just had the post, username, and timestamp, each post would probably be somewhere between 50 and 500 bytes, meaning roughly 2 to 20 posts per kilobyte, and at roughly 1 million kilobytes per gigabyte you're probably looking at somewhere more than 1 gigabyte and less than 3 to archive the entire forum.

The question is rather if there is a system in place to do that with any kind of efficiency and the answer there is probably no.
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