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Tips and Tricks Level 107: - Tip 1: Focus on the time bombs. There are 10 bombs with a 20 move limit, each within a fence. By eliminating the fences, you will free the bombs but it will not automatically eliminate them. Once freed, you will then need to match the bomb with 2 same-colored candies to eliminate them. - Tip 2: The best candies to make for this level will be the Striped Candy and the Rainbow Cake. This will allow you to eliminate an entire row of candies while destroying the fences as well. If the fences are already down and the bombs are within the row, they will destroy the time bombs, giving you more time to collect your orders. - Tip 3: Clear candies from the bottom. If all else fails, match and clear candies starting from the bottom. This will allow all other candies to move down and cause a ripple effect as they match on their own.
To get rid of the Cookie Cutter, you have to leave the same shaped cookie above it. I have 5 tips that can help you pass level 189. - Tip 1: Don?t worry about Cookie Cutters, as the requirement to pass this level is remove all 44 Waffle Cones. Note that you can remove a Waffle Cone without clearing a Cookie Cutter. - Tip 2: Waffle Cones in row 3 column 1; row 3 column 9, and row 6 column 5 are hard to remove. - Tip 3: Make Rainbow Cake and use them to clear the remaining Waffle Cones. Note that: in this level, the chance you have to create Rainbow Cake is high. - Tip 4: Activate Strip Sweet, Rainbow Cake or Sweet Combos to clear the middle Waffle Cone. - Tip 5: You can save one of the 2 sandwiches at the bottom for the Sweet Combo, such as Rainbow Cake and Sandwich. Hope these tips help you pass this level.
Forum GuestPosted at: 05:42 Dec11 2014Post ID: 3363451
Forum Guest
To get free lives, adjust the date on your device to a date in the past, open the game then readjust your date back and you will have a new set of lives !!!
Forum GuestPosted at: 08:57 Feb24 2015Post ID: 3372141
Forum Guest
Cannot send or receive messages/requests. Mail box says 9 but when I click on send etc, it says my messages are being saved to use later or something to that effect. Whats the deal?
Forum GuestPosted at: 15:03 Dec07 2015Post ID: 3396400
Forum Guest
Im on level 181 and have these shapes. I have joined FB and everyone was telling me to clear them by setting 3 on top. I have done top, bottom, side and every which way and they wont clear. Can you help me?
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