I know that people have struggled in the past to get thundora. but i'm almost positive that i know where he is.when you go to genshi area 1 you saerch all around. sooner or later you'll find a little lake. (It's not the one where the guy is standing right next to it as soon as you go up the hill.) it's in there but it's not that deep in the forest. anyway, there will be a lilly pad then a big rock in the ground then another lilly pad. But get this... YOU CAN WALK ON IT!!!!!!!
when you walk across it there's this area that you can walk around in. then you walk over all the way to the right and you find this big thing. it's like a bridge. it's yellow and silver because it's metal. i don't know about you guys but in my game, the bridge is pointing up in the air and leaning on the rocks. there has to be somethning special that you have to do to get it to go down. also there's gotta be something special across the bridge. maybe it's thundora, maybe it's something better. we won't know until someone gets it to go down. i'm very sorry but i didn't get it down so i don't know what's up there. if some of you are confused on where to go, then i have a scanner. a can scan some screen shots from where to go.