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Why Aren't you With Your Last GF?

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Cataclysm Posted: 06:42 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771138
Posts: 6,403
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"If You Have a Girlfriend, The Chances Of Marrying Her is MUCH higher then it would be if she was with someone else."

I don't know what anyone else thinks, but for me, this made the thread worth opening.
Sig and avy by Jam Jar

neptis Posted: 07:13 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771147
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She found some one better

its that simple for me
Sir Bel-te Amethyst Knight of Welcomes
forum status: retired Moderator
forum: new member welcome forum (2005-2010)(corect me if i got second date wrong)
my coment: i was THE New members welcome forum mod (my opinion :P )
Volke Posted: 09:11 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771166
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On 03-Dec-2009 Austinanymous said:Once again, I'm not entirely against dating in high school. I just think over-doing it is a waste of everyone's time.
Like I said, if I were against it, I'd be a hypocrite.

First point: everything I've seen and experienced indicates that every second you're within her view during school your time will be taken by her(This is why, mind you, I have a girlfriend who does not go to the same school as myself).

Second: Chances are, yes, you'll be lonely on occasion if you don't date, but it's not the same feeling of loneliness you feel when you lose a girlfriend. And Heartbreak may be something we all learn to overcome, but initially it's a horrible, horrible thing and will hit you pretty hard.

Third: Who's to say you can't learn it all by watching? I'm fairly sure I said that by the time I had my first girlfriend, I knew all I needed to. And it showed. Even outside of the topic, I learn things just by watching, and taking mental notes, tracking every step a person takes to accomplish their goal. It's not difficult, really.
And, chances are, if you spend your time dating every girl you can/want to in high school, you may not end up with a job. Or the headache of one. But, you'll also be out one major bit of attractiveness. Women aren't fond of guys without jobs.

Fourth: Yes, quite. You would be more attracted to a successful woman, no? There's more going in to it all rather than just personality and looks. I can almost guarantee you I won't marry any of the people I currently know. Any of those forwards you may get that claim 70-80 percent of all high school sweethearts get back together and marry, are pretty much invalid.

Fifth: Late twenties wouldn't be a bad time to tie the knot, maybe later. Not your 50's or 60's. But I'm just saying that securing that decision in High School is beyond silly. And again, I'm not saying it's unhealthy... but there are limits.
Oh, and trust me, Adult relationships are far beyond high school relationships, that's a fact. Much more involved.
2. Loneliness after a relationship breaks up? What? Seriously, I've never experienced that after ending any of my relationships.

5. Adult relationships are more fun. By far.
CurryMonster Posted: 10:14 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771185
A Professional with Standard
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I think the loneliness comes more from her dumping you. If you're the one who ends the relationship, then obviously you won't feel lonely.

The Undying Night Book 1: Fiendlord. GET IT HERE.
neptis Posted: 10:20 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771188
retired Moderator
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^best post in this thread so far
Sir Bel-te Amethyst Knight of Welcomes
forum status: retired Moderator
forum: new member welcome forum (2005-2010)(corect me if i got second date wrong)
my coment: i was THE New members welcome forum mod (my opinion :P )
geezerguy Posted: 10:34 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771194
Jailbait / Lukie
Posts: 14,016
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Um, teenage relationships prepare you for later relationships when you're an adult? Most teenage relationships consist of "Will you go out with me?" "OMG, k! x" Then they spend some time together, kiss, maybe do something "Other" stuff which the boy later brags about, then they break up and all this drama happens over a stupid little teenage relationship that was destined to end badly from the start. Of course when you're an adult you're not going to ask women out by saying "You wanna go out with me?", you have to gradually build the relationship.

Btw, by "You wanna go out with me?" I don't mean go on a date or something, I mean it as in suddenly becoming Boyfriend and Girlfriend. In my previous posts, too, I meant teenage relationships as in peopled dating under, let's say, 16 years of age.

Of course, some teenage relationships can work, I'm just talking about most..
Winner of Member Brawl 2011 <3
Traffic Monger Posted: 16:35 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771326
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On 03-Dec-2009 Double 0 Zero said:
Yea But Really What Else Are You Gonna Be Doing From Ages 13-18??
That's 5 year's ... You have lot's of time to date, and do everything you normally would lol.
It's not so repetitive either. There Isn't Really Any Bad Side To Dating, There Is If You Don't.
1. No experiance dating, if people wanna stare at couples and take notes instead of the hand's on approach, that's kinda creepy.
Plus, you can't learn to kiss, + "Other Stuff" If You Don't Learn First Hand.
2. It's an ego boost having gf's, People are impressed when you get a hot Girlfriend. Nobody Makes fun of you by saying "Have You Even Had a Girlfriend?" When u had 5 that year lol.
3. Plus It Suck's Watching The Girl You Like, Get With Someone Else Because You Wanna Make Sure The First Girlfriend You Ever Have Is The One You Be With Until Death. Which Probably Won't Happen Even If You Wait Until Your Out Of High School Anyways.
4. Your only young once, Why waste it? Get With a Girl, If You Don't Like It Much break It Off And Find Another lol.

If You Have a Girlfriend, The Chances Of Marrying Her is MUCH higher then it would be if she was with someone else. No Relationship, After High School Or Before, Is Garanteed To Work out. Your not in control, ever. It only take's one to break Up. So Don't Let It Stop You From Doing It In High School For Fun. If It Get's Serious, Prop's.

My 2 Sense. Review And Ask Yourself, If Stopping Yourself From Dating , Is The Best Thing for you. Your Giving up Some Memories You'd Probably Be Happier having.

1. Look above this post.

2. At the end of the day it's really not going to matter how many insignificant little middle-high school relationships you've had.

3. That's even less likely than waiting until you're out of high school.

4. Oh wow, my middle-high school time's going to be so much better because I went on a thousand insignificant dates(and I use this term lightly), in high school. /sarcasm

Okay, so I'd be happier because I wasted my time. Your logic astounds me.

Signature credit goes to .Impact.

Skype - Shadezz80
Deadzone174 Posted: 17:39 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771352
Posts: 1,619
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Can't we all agree that we will like people at a young age?

You all know that most relationships start with that feeling in your stomach, or your pants. (Whichever suites you.)

If you like someone starting at about 12-15, it's puppy love, and everyone knows it. Maybe if you're 15 it might start getting serious. You guys need to stop going back and forth.

Double 0 Zero Posted: 17:47 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771358
Double 0 Zero
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On 04-Dec-2009 Traffic Monger said:1. Look above this post.

2. At the end of the day it's really not going to matter how many insignificant little middle-high school relationships you've had.

3. That's even less likely than waiting until you're out of high school.

4. Oh wow, my middle-high school time's going to be so much better because I went on a thousand insignificant dates(and I use this term lightly), in high school. /sarcasm

Okay, so I'd be happier because I wasted my time. Your logic astounds me.

Lol. @ Your Attitude. Wow. Maybe lighten up a bit?

And really, Wasting your time by Socializing? I'm sure your on supercheats, and playing video game's. And i'm garanteed you do other things like this ... Is that a waste of time? I Think it is, so why do it? You get LESS out of it than going outside and having a fun time with people.

2. At the end of the day, it won't matter how many video game's you've completed. And however many people you met online on supercheats. Dating isn't so much of a waste of time in comparison, no? And "At the end of the day" .. You Mean While your still dating them? or 50 year's from now with your memories of video games and socializing online that you picked over the memories you could have offline.

4. Have you even tried finding a girl you like and asked them out? did they say yes? How is spending time with someone you like, a waste of time?

You have FREE TIME. Why Use It On Preparing For Your Future? Well, Your Not Even Doing That. Your On Supercheat's lol. So Your Obviously WASTING YOUR TIME on here. So Why Not do It Offline? "Waste of time" isn't even an argument while your spending time each day on an online forum about video games which you obviously spend time playing.

Using Your Free Time Socializing Offline > Socializing Online.

Why are you guy's even trying to fight me on this lol. The NORMAL thing to do, (the majority of Teenager's in Canada, U.S.A , And the United Kingdom) is to date.

She think's it's not Love,
Like it's all lust, .. it's sad we don't talk much
it's like we cut off our hands how we 'lost touch'

Don't you wish you were me?

Paired up with CoW.
Traffic Monger Posted: 18:18 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771369
Traffic Monger
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On 04-Dec-2009 Double 0 Zero said:

Lol. @ Your Attitude. Wow. Maybe lighten up a bit?

And really, Wasting your time by Socializing? I'm sure your on supercheats, and playing video game's. And i'm garanteed you do other things like this ... Is that a waste of time? I Think it is, so why do it? You get LESS out of it than going outside and having a fun time with people.

2. At the end of the day, it won't matter how many video game's you've completed. And however many people you met online on supercheats. Dating isn't so much of a waste of time in comparison, no? And "At the end of the day" .. You Mean While your still dating them? or 50 year's from now with your memories of video games and socializing online that you picked over the memories you could have offline.

4. Have you even tried finding a girl you like and asked them out? did they say yes? How is spending time with someone you like, a waste of time?

You have FREE TIME. Why Use It On Preparing For Your Future? Well, Your Not Even Doing That. Your On Supercheat's lol. So Your Obviously WASTING YOUR TIME on here. So Why Not do It Offline? "Waste of time" isn't even an argument while your spending time each day on an online forum about video games which you obviously spend time playing.

Using Your Free Time Socializing Offline > Socializing Online.

Why are you guy's even trying to fight me on this lol. The NORMAL thing to do, (the majority of Teenager's in Canada, U.S.A , And the United Kingdom) is to date.
No, I'm talking about wasting your time by trying to win some chick over for some relationship that's not even ******* going to last that long.

2. That's a partial blow to basically everyone who comes here, yourself included. Oh, and by the by, you too also play video games. Why? Because they're fun, and more often than not you're going to continue playing them even after you've lost this "relationship". Going around trying to date of the opposite sex as you can in a relationship that's not even going to last two years in most cases and getting dumped/dumping them doesn't seem that great fun in my opinion.

3(cool counting, bro). Yes, I have. You don't honestly think I'm spouting my rant without any prior experience?

I'm not sure you're even in the place to say that. I'm not some gigantic blob of fat sitting on my computer all day. I study, do homework, etc. and I do spend time with friends irl, so learn your **** before you say it, bro.

And in your response to online-offline communications, I never even said that in the first place.

I don't give two ****s whether or not its up to the ever-changing norms of society. I'm not doing it because I don't want to.

« Last edited by Traffic Monger on Dec 4th 2009 »

Signature credit goes to .Impact.

Skype - Shadezz80
geezerguy Posted: 18:35 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771372
Jailbait / Lukie
Posts: 14,016
Post Likes: 43
"Why are you guy's even trying to fight me on this lol. The NORMAL thing to do, (the majority of Teenager's in Canada, U.S.A , And the United Kingdom) is to date. "

Um, so you're suggesting we start dating girls because it's the NORMAL thing to do? Because that's what EVERYBODY ELSE is doing? We're debating with you because your logic is flawed, those reasons are the worst reasons to date I've ever heard. It's like listening to rap music because it's "Normal" and everybody else listens to it.

"4. Have you even tried finding a girl you like and asked them out? did they say yes? How is spending time with someone you like, a waste of time?

You have FREE TIME. Why Use It On Preparing For Your Future? Well, Your Not Even Doing That. Your On Supercheat's lol. So Your Obviously WASTING YOUR TIME on here. So Why Not do It Offline? "Waste of time" isn't even an argument while your spending time each day on an online forum about video games which you obviously spend time playing.

It's a waste of time because in the end it'll end in this teenage relationship drama that all these kids seem to take seriously. "Zomg, he broke up with me. Zomg he kissed another girl!", who cares, like you're going to marry him. Sure, you may have a little fun with the girl during the period of going out but it will almost always end in "disaster", a waste of time? Yes.

And, I know that wasn't directed at me, but.. Dude, we of course post here and play video games. For fun. Us posting and playing video games here isn't going to end in disaster. So what if we post here? So what if we play video games? Posting here and playing video games will NOT take up all of our time. We still have time to go out and socialize, which seriously, I'm sure everybody here actually does.

"Using Your Free Time Socializing Offline > Socializing Online. "

Yes, well, obviously. Everybody will enjoy being with irl friends more than posting here, and of course it's more beneficial.. But that wasn't even the point in the first place. No one brought up posting online, you're the one who brought it up and are acting like you've won the debate when noone had even debated with you about that subject yet.

« Last edited by geezerguy on Dec 4th 2009 »
Winner of Member Brawl 2011 <3
Traffic Monger Posted: 18:44 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771374
Traffic Monger
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On 04-Dec-2009 geezerguy said:"Why are you guy's even trying to fight me on this lol. The NORMAL thing to do, (the majority of Teenager's in Canada, U.S.A , And the United Kingdom) is to date. "

Um, so you're suggesting we start dating girls because it's the NORMAL thing to do? Because that's what EVERYBODY ELSE is doing? We're debating with you because your logic is flawed, those reasons are the worst reasons to date I've ever heard. It's like listening to rap music because it's "Normal" and everybody else listens to it.

"4. Have you even tried finding a girl you like and asked them out? did they say yes? How is spending time with someone you like, a waste of time?

You have FREE TIME. Why Use It On Preparing For Your Future? Well, Your Not Even Doing That. Your On Supercheat's lol. So Your Obviously WASTING YOUR TIME on here. So Why Not do It Offline? "Waste of time" isn't even an argument while your spending time each day on an online forum about video games which you obviously spend time playing.

It's a waste of time because in the end it'll end in this teenage relationship drama that all these kids seem to take seriously. "Zomg, he broke up with me. Zomg he kissed another girl!", who cares, like you're going to marry him. Sure, you may have a little fun with the girl during the period of going out but it will almost always end in "disaster", a waste of time? Yes.

And, I know that wasn't directed at me, but.. Dude, we of course post here and play video games. For fun. Us posting and playing video games here isn't going to end in disaster. So what if we post here? So what if we play video games? Posting here and playing video games will NOT take up all of our time. We still have time to go out and socialize, which seriously, I'm sure everybody here actually does.

"Using Your Free Time Socializing Offline > Socializing Online. "

Yes, well, obviously. Everybody will enjoy being with irl friends more than posting here, and of course it's more beneficial.. But that wasn't even the point in the first place. No one brought up posting online, you're the one who brought it up and are acting like you've won the debate when noone had even debated with you about that subject yet.
Your post>mine.

And it has less cursing.

Signature credit goes to .Impact.

Skype - Shadezz80
geezerguy Posted: 18:49 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771378
Jailbait / Lukie
Posts: 14,016
Post Likes: 43
Lmao TM, thx. Cursing only takes away the greatness from a debate. ;D

Wow, I didn't realise my post was that long. O_o .. Though some of it is quotes.
Winner of Member Brawl 2011 <3
Double 0 Zero Posted: 19:47 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771386
Double 0 Zero
Posts: 82
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On 04-Dec-2009 Traffic Monger said:No, I'm talking about wasting your time by trying to win some chick over for some relationship that's not even ******* going to last that long.

2. That's a partial blow to basically everyone who comes here, yourself included. Oh, and by the by, you too also play video games. Why? Because they're fun, and more often than not you're going to continue playing them even after you've lost this "relationship". Going around trying to date of the opposite sex as you can in a relationship that's not even going to last two years in most cases and getting dumped/dumping them doesn't seem that great fun in my opinion.

3(cool counting, bro). Yes, I have. You don't honestly think I'm spouting my rant without any prior experience?

I'm not sure you're even in the place to say that. I'm not some gigantic blob of fat sitting on my computer all day. I study, do homework, etc. and I do spend time with friends irl, so learn your **** before you say it, bro.

And in your response to online-offline communications, I never even said that in the first place.

I don't give two ****s whether or not its up to the ever-changing norms of society. I'm not doing it because I don't want to.

Okay.. Your Twisting My Words. And Calm Down.

2. No it isn't, i do both. I know i waste my FREE time (That's why it's there, Free Time Is Time For You To Have Fun). Really, think about my point's. YOU guy's are saying that dating is a waste of time and that's why your not going to be involved. I'm saying .. Your Wasting your time anyways by posting THOUSANDS, In Some Cases TEN'S Of Thousands of time's on this site, Meeting People Online, Playing Video games is a waste of time and money. Why do we do it? (i do it SOMETIMES) but, for FUN. Just Like Dating. Except it's alot more social and worthwhile.

Hold On .. Answer This Question. .. If Dating is a waste of time. And That's Why You Don't Take Part. why Do You Take Part in Video Games? Why Take Part And Post THOUSANDS Of Time's On This Internet Website? ... There Must Be a Reason For Not Dating That Your Not Pointing Out. Because All I'm Arguing Is .. It's Not a Waste Of Time And That People Should Do It. I Didn't Even Know There Were People That Wouldn't date a girl At Ages 13-18. Smh.

My Online-Offline Thing, Was About WASTING TIME. Your Wasting Time on an Online Forum With People You Don't Even Know, Compared To "Wasting Time" With a Girl. That's My Point.

Wasting Time Offline > Wasting Time Online.

And don't date i don't care i'm not the one missing out. There's obviously ... a reason your not saying. idk if you can get a girl or not, or what have you. If it wasn't worth it. The 99 of people that do it, wouldn't do it. And The NORM is what make's people like each other. Nobody likes the weird kid.

Btw. Before You Twist My Words again.. The Point Is YOU Are Saying You Don't Date Because It's a Waste Of Time. Yet You Waste Your Time Anyways. So that's obviously not your real reason. There isn't a reason as to why a person who CAN get a girlfriend, DONT get a girlfriend. W.e Though i'm done arguing i got a headache.

« Last edited by Double 0 Zero on Dec 4th 2009 »

She think's it's not Love,
Like it's all lust, .. it's sad we don't talk much
it's like we cut off our hands how we 'lost touch'

Don't you wish you were me?

Paired up with CoW.
.Rath Posted: 19:56 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771389
Posts: 444
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...Because i found one with bigger boobs, jk.

I got dumped, she got ****** at me (guessing it was that time of the month), lasted 6 days, funny stuff.
Double 0 Zero Posted: 20:09 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771393
Double 0 Zero
Posts: 82
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On 04-Dec-2009 geezerguy said:"Why are you guy's even trying to fight me on this lol. The NORMAL thing to do, (the majority of Teenager's in Canada, U.S.A , And the United Kingdom) is to date. "

Um, so you're suggesting we start dating girls because it's the NORMAL thing to do? Because that's what EVERYBODY ELSE is doing? We're debating with you because your logic is flawed, those reasons are the worst reasons to date I've ever heard. It's like listening to rap music because it's "Normal" and everybody else listens to it.

"4. Have you even tried finding a girl you like and asked them out? did they say yes? How is spending time with someone you like, a waste of time?

You have FREE TIME. Why Use It On Preparing For Your Future? Well, Your Not Even Doing That. Your On Supercheat's lol. So Your Obviously WASTING YOUR TIME on here. So Why Not do It Offline? "Waste of time" isn't even an argument while your spending time each day on an online forum about video games which you obviously spend time playing.

It's a waste of time because in the end it'll end in this teenage relationship drama that all these kids seem to take seriously. "Zomg, he broke up with me. Zomg he kissed another girl!", who cares, like you're going to marry him. Sure, you may have a little fun with the girl during the period of going out but it will almost always end in "disaster", a waste of time? Yes.

And, I know that wasn't directed at me, but.. Dude, we of course post here and play video games. For fun. Us posting and playing video games here isn't going to end in disaster. So what if we post here? So what if we play video games? Posting here and playing video games will NOT take up all of our time. We still have time to go out and socialize, which seriously, I'm sure everybody here actually does.

"Using Your Free Time Socializing Offline > Socializing Online. "

Yes, well, obviously. Everybody will enjoy being with irl friends more than posting here, and of course it's more beneficial.. But that wasn't even the point in the first place. No one brought up posting online, you're the one who brought it up and are acting like you've won the debate when noone had even debated with you about that subject yet.
Last Post.

"Um, so you're suggesting we start dating girls because it's the NORMAL thing to do? Because that's what EVERYBODY ELSE is doing? We're debating with you because your logic is flawed, those reasons are the worst reasons to date I've ever heard. "

My Logic Isn't Flawed. Saying Your Not Dating because It's a Waste Of Time, Then Wasting Your Time Anyways Is Flawed. If Your Not Dating Because Of Another Reason.. I Can't Really Argue With That Because I Don't Know What It Is, Can i?. I'm only arguing with what you give me.

"It's like listening to rap music because it's "Normal" and everybody else listens to it."

Lol. nobody listen's to music they don't like. i guess the question from that point is.. Do You Like Woman? If not.. Don't Date Them. If So..Man Up And Date Them.

"It's a waste of time because in the end it'll end in this teenage relationship drama that all these kids seem to take seriously. "Zomg, he broke up with me. Zomg he kissed another girl!", who cares, like you're going to marry him. Sure, you may have a little fun with the girl during the period of going out but it will almost always end in "disaster", a waste of time? Yes. "

Yea I Wonder Why Their Sad. Because They Were HAPPY? Last time i checked, people aren't sad about breaking up if dating wasn't all that in the first place. And if those girl's were so serious about the other guy .. Wanting to get married like you said. Why don't you try being with someone like that? You obviously want to get married if you do get with someone .. So why wait until your out of high school? What will change between now and then? You can still be with them...If they'd like to marry their high school boyfriend Who say's it won't work out? Usually..The guy is the reason relationships' don't work out, but you guy's seem to want to make sure it'll be for real. Do it up.

"It's better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."

Ha. Think about it. Im done though. Do what you want, Be a normal kid or don't be a normal kid. Completely up to you guy's.


« Last edited by Double 0 Zero on Dec 4th 2009 »

She think's it's not Love,
Like it's all lust, .. it's sad we don't talk much
it's like we cut off our hands how we 'lost touch'

Don't you wish you were me?

Paired up with CoW.
Ryuujin Posted: 20:11 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771394
Posts: 3,210
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On 04-Dec-2009 Deadzone174 said:Can't we all agree that we will like people at a young age?

You all know that most relationships start with that feeling in your stomach, or your pants. (Whichever suites you.)

If you like someone starting at about 12-15, it's puppy love, and everyone knows it. Maybe if you're 15 it might start getting serious. You guys need to stop going back and forth.
"Can't we all agree that we will like people at a young age?"

Yes, because I'm sure we're all pedophiles deep down.
~ My Theme ~
TestVirus101 Posted: 20:30 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771401
Ah crap he's finally dead
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I think people are VERY cynical in this thread regarding the longevity of a teenage relationship. I should point out that while most do fail, so do most adult relationships so you're really not improving your chances that drastically by waiting. I also do not believe that just because a relationship starts as a teenager, it does not have the potential to last as long as even the rest of those two people's lives.

Sure, it's not the most common story but I for one know a couple who've been going out for about 3 years now and have both just finished high school; whether or not they stay together I don't know but it doesn't change the fact that a teenage relationship can be more than just stupid things that have been mentioned in this thread.
Traffic Monger Posted: 21:10 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771408
Traffic Monger
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On 04-Dec-2009 Double 0 Zero said:Last Post.

"Um, so you're suggesting we start dating girls because it's the NORMAL thing to do? Because that's what EVERYBODY ELSE is doing? We're debating with you because your logic is flawed, those reasons are the worst reasons to date I've ever heard. "

My Logic Isn't Flawed. Saying Your Not Dating because It's a Waste Of Time, Then Wasting Your Time Anyways Is Flawed. If Your Not Dating Because Of Another Reason.. I Can't Really Argue With That Because I Don't Know What It Is, Can i?. I'm only arguing with what you give me.

"It's like listening to rap music because it's "Normal" and everybody else listens to it."

Lol. nobody listen's to music they don't like. i guess the question from that point is.. Do You Like Woman? If not.. Don't Date Them. If So..Man Up And Date Them.

"It's a waste of time because in the end it'll end in this teenage relationship drama that all these kids seem to take seriously. "Zomg, he broke up with me. Zomg he kissed another girl!", who cares, like you're going to marry him. Sure, you may have a little fun with the girl during the period of going out but it will almost always end in "disaster", a waste of time? Yes. "

Yea I Wonder Why Their Sad. Because They Were HAPPY? Last time i checked, people aren't sad about breaking up if dating wasn't all that in the first place. And if those girl's were so serious about the other guy .. Wanting to get married like you said. Why don't you try being with someone like that? You obviously want to get married if you do get with someone .. So why wait until your out of high school? What will change between now and then? You can still be with them...If they'd like to marry their high school boyfriend Who say's it won't work out? Usually..The guy is the reason relationships' don't work out, but you guy's seem to want to make sure it'll be for real. Do it up.

"It's better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."

Ha. Think about it. Im done though. Do what you want, Be a normal kid or don't be a normal kid. Completely up to you guy's.

I doubt that you're done.

1. Okay, so that's the best you can give right now? All that really can be interpreted from what you're saying is, "no im not u r", disguised with your elitist mark on it.

2. Kids are willing to act like idiots to fit in these days; I wouldn't be surprised if they did. For all you or I know, your best friend could be a homosexual and not say because he/she wants to fit in.

3. I thought you said you'd do it because it was fun, not because you'd like to get married to that person. The former is exactly why the majority of the middle and high school population do it; they do it for fun. You hear talk about "Oh, I hate the drama". If you hate all the drama, then why get into it? And on the off chance you do want a serious relationship, then you can wait until you're an adult. If you don't want to, then chances are you don't want it as much as you think you do. I'm aware (like TestVirus said), that adult relationships aren't that much longer either, but it's still going to be more often than not more often longer. That's just facts.

Again, if you're willing to act like an idiot to be normal, then I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to sit here and beat a dead horse.

Signature credit goes to .Impact.

Skype - Shadezz80
.Impact Posted: 21:27 Dec04 2009 Post ID: 2771410
Resident Graphics Artist
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I'm still with my Girlfriend. Been together for the past...17 months :P

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