I think Biden will win this time around, narrowly. I think voter turnout will be higher this year with every company pushing voting so hard, mostly to young people on social media that if they vote at all will vote Democrat.
I personally have no real preference, which makes me lucky I guess. To be honest the president has next to no affect on me personally. My worry with Biden is that his health will fade and that he'll be used as a puppet for more radical members of the party. I actually approve of a public healthcare option but disapprove generally of plans like student loan forgiveness (why should anyone pay any debt?) as I feel it discourages personal responsibility and doesn't attack the root of the problem. I also don't feel his climate plan is realistic and think that too much of the blame for the climate crisis is placed on countries like the US and the western European nations rather than countries like India and China. I'm also frustrated with both parties opposition to nuclear energy. The issue is always laid at the feet of individuals when the real issue is mega corporations - plastic straws are not what's killing the environment.
I'm generally in favor of "small government", fiscally. As much as that's a thing anymore. Socially I'm live and let live. Like I said I'm lucky enough where the main issues don't affect me personally. I don't think Trump is the evil boogeyman many say he is. I think he says things he shouldn't sometimes, but I don't think he's evil. I think Biden is a nice enough old man who if he becomes president will be a puppet of his party, and I worry that he will completely shut down the country and demoralize citizens. A lot of places here have half-opened and shutting them down again will be ruinous.
I also think Trump has done major good for peace in the Middle East wrt Israel and the UAE and a less pro-Israel president could destabilize the region, but that's a matter of personal opinion - it is probably a positive for most people. I believe everything with Russia is a huge nothing burger, and generally think it's a better idea to keep relations open with countries like Russia and North Korea than it would be to cut them off because they are the "bad guys".
At the end of the day both candidates are mostly the same with slight differences in policy. Nothing much is going to change either way.
« Last edited by steelersrock01 on Oct 27th 2020 »