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danzx Posted at: 14:05 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1178860
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Actually, now that I think about it, it isn't luck any more, there's a good chance i'll win cause i'n a high level. At the start it was just plain luck.

cyber_john3000 Posted at: 14:06 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1178862
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luck?? i never had luck in my life!! sheez!!

Just A Bullet For My Valentine

[center]Special Thanks To Dark_Wolf_33 For The Great Sig
imaloony8.0 Posted at: 15:08 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1178985
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NOOOO! Luck? I have no luck ;_;

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Master Volthawk Posted at: 15:29 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179034
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On 29-Nov-2006 Aeon-Flux said:xD.... There will be more matches later today, after I get off school.

@ Master Volthawk: Thats not how it works, you will be a trainer like everyone else.
Ok, thanx for including me in this. I'm ready to lose (at his rate, though, I might beat cyber_john, no offense, though)
Aeon-Flux Posted at: 15:51 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179105
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Battle 8
Trainers: Imaloony8.0 vs Danzx

It was morning at Imaloony8.0's house, and he was scratching hard for a battle, and a victory, so he went into town, it was more as a ghost town, and what was the starngest is the tournament for the towns gym leader position is tomorrow. But as he walked further town the street he saw Danzx, he thought, well no one is around so what they hay!, He walks up to Danzx and Imaloony8.0 says, "He man! Want to battle, there seems to be no one around at the time." Danzx replies, "Sure man, btw that triple tag team was a great match." "Whatever man, lets get this going already." said Imaloony8.0. Imaloony8.0 shouts, "Go Treecko!" followed by Danzx, "Go Mudkip!" Imaloony8.0 starts off, telling his Treecko to use Absorb (An attack that absorbs half the damage inflicted.) on the foe Mudkip, double the damage is inflicted due to Super-effective, Danzx follows shortly behind, telling Mudkip to use Mud-Slap (Hurls mud in the foe's face to reduce its accuracy.), Imaloony8.0 comes back, telling Treecko to use Absorb again, dealing double the damage once more due to Super-effective, "One more and this battle could be over!", Danzx looks ahead, saying to himself, "He could be right, but what to do, lets stay with my strategy.".... Danzx tells his Mudkip to do another Mud-Slap, now being Imaloony8.0's turn again as Danzx crosses his fingers, Imaloony8.0 tells his Treecko to use Absorb, but it missed!, Now its Danzx's turn again with a smurk on his face, telling his MudKip to use Tackle (Charges the foe with a full- body tackle.) barely moving Treecko's hp, now back to Imaloony8.0's turn, telling his Treecko to use Absorb again, and it hits! Super-Effective, and Mudkip faints, Danzx brings in Magikarp, Imaloony8.0 tells Treecko to use Absorb, doing quite a bit of damage, almost killing Magikarp. Danzx now tells Magikarp to use his only move, Splash, nothing happened. Imaloony8.0's turn again, and he finsihes it off with a Abosrb, making Magikarp faint.

Winner: Imaloony8.0

Treecko has leveled up to level 9, and then level 11, Wuld you like Treecko to learn Quick Attack?

« Last edited by Aeon-Flux on Nov 29th 2006 »
Aeon-Flux Posted at: 15:52 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179108
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On 29-Nov-2006 danzx said:Actually, now that I think about it, it isn't luck any more, there's a good chance i'll win cause i'n a high level. At the start it was just plain luck.
Imaloony8.0's Treecko has the odds.
Master Volthawk Posted at: 15:55 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179116
Master Volthawk
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On 29-Nov-2006 Aeon-Flux said:Imaloony8.0's Treecko has the odds.
Your Torchic could waste it, though.

And I noticed that cyber_john probably would beat me. He has type advantage.
*cyber_john, your break has come!
imaloony8.0 Posted at: 15:56 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179118
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*dose a little dance* yay! I'm the first one to beat Danzx!

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Aeon-Flux Posted at: 15:56 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179119
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No water moves though, thats the only bad thing, also I almost forgot about Danzx's Magikarp and had to edit it.
Aeon-Flux Posted at: 15:58 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179121
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On 29-Nov-2006 imaloony8.0 said:*dose a little dance* yay! I'm the first one to beat Danzx!
Well, the odds were clearly yours, Water vs Grass, hello. lol
imaloony8.0 Posted at: 16:00 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179127
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Woot! 4 levels! now, I need you to give him quick attack Smile

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Aeon-Flux Posted at: 16:01 Nov29 2006 Post ID: 1179132
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I already did, I have to go, But when I am able to return online I will hopefully get up about 5 more battles before the tournament.

Battle 9
Trainers: Cyber_John3000 vs Master Volthawk

Later in the day, no one knowing about the previous battle, cause actually everyone in town was asleep at the time of the match, but now as the sun is rising, Cyber_John3000 is waking up from a great night sleep, and can't wait for his time to come, he gets his things and heads to town, hoping and believing today is his day, he manages to catch Master Volthawk on his way there, and new trainer to the region hoping to find his quest ahead like everyone else, Cyber_John3000 asks him for a battle, he accepts. Cyber_John3000 does reply saying, "Go Mudkip!" followed by Master Volthawk replying, "Go Torchic!" and the match is on. Cyber_John3000 attacks with a volent Tackle, doing a good deal of damage to the foe, but is it enough?.... Master Volthawk follows behind, telling his Torchic to use Scratch, doing a little more than Mudkip's Tackle attack, but Cyber_John3000 doesn't give in, he tells his Mudkip to use Tackle once more trying to gain the advantage, and at his hands, it is a critical hit! Doing more than 2/4th's like before, now its Master Volthawk's turn once more, he see's Cyber_John3000 has gotten some skill over the course of training after seeing his trainers card in the towns Battle record room. Master Volthawk now tells his Torchic to use Growl, lowering Mudkips attack, once again it is Cyber_John3000's turn, not giving up telling his Mudkip to use Tackle once more, and again another critical hit, but doing like it had before instead of more due to the attack lowered. Master Volthawk's turn comes back around, his Torchic is on the edge of the end, so he goes for it, telling his Torchic to use Scratch!, but it missed. Cyber_John3000's turn comes back and he tells his Mudkip to do Tackle once more, Torchic has fainted.

Winner: Cyber_John3000

Mudkip has leveled up to level 7 and would like to learn Mud-Slap on level 6, teach it to it?

« Last edited by Aeon-Flux on Nov 29th 2006 »
danzx Posted at: 01:42 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1180635
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Yay! Finally! I lost!

imaloony8.0 Posted at: 05:21 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1180698
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congradulation... I think. and Cyber John Finally won :P

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Aeon-Flux Posted at: 14:54 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1181152
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Tournament Battle, Prize: Gym Leader Position 1
(Geodude, Onix & Steelix)
Battle Chart
Master Volthawk


Shinny Zapdos

Jakester 24/7
(Automatic Advance)
imaloony8.0 Posted at: 14:56 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1181161
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cool, but I doubt i'll win, I hope to win at least one though.

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Aeon-Flux Posted at: 15:09 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1181190
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Tournament Battle 1
Trainers: Aeon-Flux vs Master Volthawk

The day has finally come, the big town tournament, we have 7 entries, so only one advances automatically, and that was Jakester 24/7 due to win accuracy, anyways the first match is getting under way, so lets head to the floor were all the action is taking place right now! "Go Torchic!" said Aeon-Flux. Followed by Master Volthawk, "Go Torchic!" the crowd looks at Aeon-Flux, as he will make the first move, "Use Scratch Torchic!" said Aeon-Flux, Scratch made a critical hit and its not looking good for the Master Volthawk's lv. 5 Torchic, Aeon-Flux seems to have the biggest upper hand for this match. Master Volthawk, "Use Growl Torchic!", lowering the foe's attack max just a tad, this could help out alot due to the level differences. Now back to Aeon-Flux's turn, Aeon-Flux says, "Torchic, Use Scratch again!" doing a decent critical hit on the foe, knocking the foe into the red of HP, Master Volthawk's Torchic is slowly fainting, Master Volthawk tells his Torchic, "Use Scratch!" but it missed, looks like the newbie is getting a tough time from his opponent Aeon-Flux. Aeon-Flux responds telling his Torchic to finish the battle using a solid Scratch attack, and there you have it folks, Aeon-Flux moves into the next challenge.

Battle Data
Winner: Aeon-Flux
Aeon-Flux's Torchic Hit: 4
Master Volthawk Hit: 2 (Missed once)

Aeon-Flux's Torchic has leveled up to level 11, and wants to learn Ember, move teached to the Torchic.

Up Next > Cyber_John3000 vs Imaloony8.0
imaloony8.0 Posted at: 15:12 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1181203
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can't say that was a surprise, and i'm up next Smile

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Master Volthawk Posted at: 15:15 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1181212
Master Volthawk
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On 29-Nov-2006 Aeon-Flux said:I already did, I have to go, But when I am able to return online I will hopefully get up about 5 more battles before the tournament.

Battle 9
Trainers: Cyber_John3000 vs Master Volthawk

Later in the day, no one knowing about the previous battle, cause actually everyone in town was asleep at the time of the match, but now as the sun is rising, Cyber_John3000 is waking up from a great night sleep, and can't wait for his time to come, he gets his things and heads to town, hoping and believing today is his day, he manages to catch Master Volthawk on his way there, and new trainer to the region hoping to find his quest ahead like everyone else, Cyber_John3000 asks him for a battle, he accepts. Cyber_John3000 does reply saying, "Go Mudkip!" followed by Master Volthawk replying, "Go Torchic!" and the match is on. Cyber_John3000 attacks with a volent Tackle, doing a good deal of damage to the foe, but is it enough?.... Master Volthawk follows behind, telling his Torchic to use Scratch, doing a little more than Mudkip's Tackle attack, but Cyber_John3000 doesn't give in, he tells his Mudkip to use Tackle once more trying to gain the advantage, and at his hands, it is a critical hit! Doing more than 2/4th's like before, now its Master Volthawk's turn once more, he see's Cyber_John3000 has gotten some skill over the course of training after seeing his trainers card in the towns Battle record room. Master Volthawk now tells his Torchic to use Growl, lowering Mudkips attack, once again it is Cyber_John3000's turn, not giving up telling his Mudkip to use Tackle once more, and again another critical hit, but doing like it had before instead of more due to the attack lowered. Master Volthawk's turn comes back around, his Torchic is on the edge of the end, so he goes for it, telling his Torchic to use Scratch!, but it missed. Cyber_John3000's turn comes back and he tells his Mudkip to do Tackle once more, Torchic has fainted.

Winner: Cyber_John3000

Mudkip has leveled up to level 7 and would like to learn Mud-Slap on level 6, teach it to it?
*slaps self* Me and my fat@$$ mouth.
imaloony8.0 Posted at: 15:16 Nov30 2006 Post ID: 1181216
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I noticed that i'm the only person the chose Treeco, I wonder why that's so, Treeco is a grass god. (Well, sceptile is anyways)

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