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I've seen you around. I wasn't around much in 05 but I am still an 05 member. The advancements have been awesome but the old community was unlike any other for sure.
I remember when there wernt as many rules. I got on a couple years ago and made a team, it got shut down immediately because they didnt like it... thats what it was all about in 2005, just talking and things like that. This topic does have a topic though (so it doesnt get closed), which is obvious.
Too bad I can barely remember what it was exactly like.
We have had to implement various new rules/guidelines and whatnot, but we are also now making an effort to dumb them down so that they are both simpler and so that we're more loose overall. It'll be much more fun based soon enough I'm sure, as for your team, teams rarely get rejected. Just chat and hanging out is exactly what the T&C is for, so you should be fine.
We just went through a major design overhaul but the old topics are still here and I always find myself looking through them when I'm bored. Very interesting really.
I was lurking around and saw this thread. I remember a few of you (especially Aeon-Flux). I'm an old member too and used to hang around the Pokemon forums a lot back then.
And yeah, Ruby was one of the best and active Pokemon forums back in the day.
Yeah, it's nothing anymore... I noticed you posted from the main page literally pointing at my screen and thinking no way... haha --- It's great to see old members. Maybe eventually make a return.
Well that would be sweet; I am going on vacation June 26th to July 1st and probably will still post a little but maybe wrapped up in swimming in the ocean and what not.
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