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This will sound pretty confusing at first, but it will make sense later. Here's how it works: I say a "how could you?!" phrase to the person above me ("How could you shoot your own dog?!") and he/she, or someone else has to give an excuse why they did it ("His wife told him to take the dog out.").Then they do a "How could you?!" to me. And it just repeats on and on like that. Here's an example:
Me: Because I can. How could you hit me in the face?!(talking to bob) Bob: Easy. *WHACK*. Like that. How could you set your mother's car on fire?! Joe: She told him to warm it up. How could you...?!
and it just keeps going like that. REMEMBER: You can always answer for somebody else. That way everybody gets a turn.
Also, you're saying the how could you to the person above you, not below. So do not answer "I" in your post if you're not the person above the person saying the "how could you?!" Read the example carefully.
« Last edited by Darkness787 on Jul 25th 2011 »
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