Name: Garm Plasmal
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5'6
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race: Human (Assassin)
Religion: None
Weapons: Dual daggers, Longbow, short sword.
Skills: Stealth, Assassination, marksmanship, close quarters and hand-to-hand combat.
Appearance: Black, medium length hair, tanned skin, black silk pants, specially designed black shoes that make no sound when Garm walks, startlingly bright blue eyes, sleeveless black shirt, a black hooded cloak, muscular arms and build, cleanshaven face. He usually also wears a thick leather padding over his heart designed to stop regular arrows.
History: Not much is known except that he is a very skilled assassin. Hey, if much was known about him, he wouldn't be doing his job very well, now would he? Of what is know, all shall be told. At age 15, Garm graduated from the hidden assassin's academy, having successfully completed his first job with proof of completion. Ironically, the target was the academy's master of ceremony, so a hastily appointed new master of ceremony proclaimed Garm a professional assassin, amongst others who graduated. Since then, Garm is suspected to have successfully assassinated over 200 targets, though know one knows whether he has actually even been contracted since then, as he never keeps trophies, and barely charges enough to live on until the next job.
credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.