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Forever - The Endless World [RP]

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nightmare2 Posted: 19:52 Feb29 2012 Post ID: 3097738
Lord of Nightmares
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Night glances over at Garm and wonders what they were doing. Once again he figured they thought the pheonix was meant to affect them in some way.

"You guys are REALLY cautious you know? The pheonix was meant for something else but that is a surprise for later. And it's song was meant for calming affects which as far as... really close good friends go one would assume that would be a nice thing. Probably never gone that far anyway..."

Night muttered the last part to himself somewhat absentmindedly, being caught up with the age question still and a few other minor things and all. He had a pretty good idea what the reaction would be, lots of young people he met displayed the same response. He found it quite annoying.
Sir Adam of Peridot Nightmares

Go visit the Fan Fiction and Role Playing Forum and check out what is there maybe you will see something of interest and feel free to stay and have a cup of -insert beverage of choice here- and some cookies. It's on the house! Well it would be if I had a house...
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1 : 2 Posted: 04:17 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098036
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A sweat drop trickled down Geoff's forehead. It gave him relief that the majin no longer wanted to go after the others, but he was wary of the assassin's prowess in battle, from what he'd witnessed. The assassin had been the second person to defeat Thistle other than himself.
"What is it that you have in mind?" asked the leader, almost jokingly.
"...A duel. One move, one strike."
"...You look down on me...?" the majin's eyes widened a bit, not from shock or disbelief, but from heightened rage. The leader's red eyes met Geoff's blue eyes.

Geoff closed his eyes to sigh at the leader's words. At that moment the leader witnessed chance and lunged at him at full speed, his sword aimed at slashing Geoff across the chest.
"Geoff, watch out!"
"CHECKMATE!" yelled the majin leader.

For Geoff, it was as if time had stopped when he'd closed his eyes. Everything around him had ceased to move. Only one thing continued to pulse. That which is hung by his waist. That sliver of dark golden steel, the sole item that had sent him on this journey. A journey for someone he'd forgotten to love for so long.
"This can't stop me." he spoke, though it seemed as if he was only thinking, as time began to move, but at a fraction of a fraction of its true speed.
The majin's blade inched closer.
"This couldn't stop me."
"This won't stop me."
"I have someone to return to."
"Someone to apologize to."
"And I'll cut down..."
"...anything in my way...!" the young man opened his eyes. The golden hilt was freed from the cord holding it in place, as Geoff unsheathes his ace in the hole.

A bolt of vermilion lightning came to life within the span of a portion of a second, signaling for the wheel of fate to begin to turn.

The faults of humanity, as it is their perfection, so elusive, yet so close
Shattered the promise the man hath made, and beyond death did he paid comeuppance
The path of redemption the boy walks, that which he wields the key that could seal the world's fate

Without beginning or end, the ring stretches into the infinite


"So... that's how he meant to use it." thought Thistle.

The top portion of curved blade from the assassin's sword fell and dug into the earth. The majin himself fell onto his knees, spots of red forming on the ground.
"Geh... How... How could you've..." the majin struggled to speak, a large wound cut across his chest, his outfit reddened with his blood, the blood dripping from the wound to the ground below. The leader was forced to take down his mask as he spewed blood from his mouth, revealing his face. Shaking, he tried to look over his shoulder at the young man that was standing behind him, the young man's back turned on him, as if he never moved from the spot he stood on.

Geoff hung the Lantern Sword back onto the cord that was tied to his waist, this unseen because of the cloak he wore. With a calm demeanor on his face, he wiped away the drop of sweat off his forehead.

"How'd you... match my speed...?!" asked the majin.
"All I did was use your most notable features against yourself. I challenged your pride, which led to you rushing at me with more aggression than there is care. I noted your wound, which led to a fault in the steps your left leg had taken. I observed your desperation, which led to a reckless attack at the nearest chance without much thought. Lastly... I took advantage of your speed. I didn't move. And because of that, the time frame before you reached me was expanded. Even though it was barely noticeable, it enabled me to land a clean hit on you, at the same time breaking your sword due to the speed you were moving at and the impulse from when it clashed with my own sword." spoke Geoff without even turning to the majin. It was something he kept to himself, but he didn't even know if what he just said were true. His words were only a guise for him to hide the existence of his Lantern Sword.

For all he knows, it might've been because of the fact that the sword was virtually weightless, that he was able to unsheathe it, activate it, break through the majin's sword and cut across his chest and withdraw it before it could cleave the assassin cleanly in half. Best of all, he didn't think anybody had managed to see the sword.

"That's... that's not all... You used... no mere blade..." spoke the majin, blood continuing to flow down his chin as he tried to stand up. He was brought to attention when a large group of people amassed outside the field. The group was headed by no other than the chief of Shukusai's police force, Moguru, whose eyes flared immediately when he saw the majin leader.

"Zaikei! You murderous scum!" shouted Moguru.

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Craizen Posted: 13:44 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098126
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Cyrus was wide eyed, his mouth slightly agape with a thin line. He was watching, or at least he thought he was watching; that much was true. Maybe it was his thoughts that had distracted him, that rambling old Majin, who was just confused as far as he was concerned. But no...he knew he was watching as the human and leader fought. The majin had stepped, practically flew at this young man, that was clear enough, his eyes allowed him to watch. The next part was..simply stunning. A glint of metal flashed after a small incantation, or what seemed more like a speech to himself. There a was flash, he wasn't sure if he saw a sword or not, but it had to be, long enough to cut teh Majin, and powerful enough for that bolt.

"Curious human that is..."
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penguinlord352 Posted: 17:01 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098150
I'm da Pengy
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"Geez...if he could do that, he shoulda dealt with this before it got so out of hand."
Garm's Draconic eyes had caught every second of the action. He couldn't even describe the level of speed and power the human had struck with. It was far more powerful than anything he had ever seen in his entire life.

Erika, startled by the lightning and the horrifying memories it brought back,, had let a little yelp out and was still shaking a little bit. Garm, unconsciously, pulled her close to him. His protective instincts were kicking in. Erika calmed down a little and just hugged Garm, slowly calming down after the sudden resurgence of memories from her past.
Reality-The World RP (It's an MMORPG styled RP: it's never too late to join!)

credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.
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Yogi_Bear Posted: 18:18 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098166
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Fheren raised his eyebrow at the attack by the newcomer. "Wow," he said quietly. He checked his body quickly to make sure he was without injuries. He checked his quiver and noticed it lacking. He frowned and began to scan the ground for loose arrows that he could take.
Thanks Craizen

++Pixel Euphoria
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nightmare2 Posted: 18:43 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098171
Lord of Nightmares
Posts: 3,482
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"Now we get something of interest then again I probably shouldn't do that with all the these new arrivals. Guess I can wait for another chance, just hang around this guy."

Night stands up and walks over to the man, resuming his childish act he tugged on his clothings. As the battle was over he reverted back to his normal timid self, looking at the ground shuffling his feet he muttered a thank you.
Sir Adam of Peridot Nightmares

Go visit the Fan Fiction and Role Playing Forum and check out what is there maybe you will see something of interest and feel free to stay and have a cup of -insert beverage of choice here- and some cookies. It's on the house! Well it would be if I had a house...
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penguinlord352 Posted: 19:35 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098192
I'm da Pengy
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Garm pats Erika on the head and watches Night with some disgust, the contempt for the miniature magi showing on his face. The look in his eyes was not one that he would look at a child with.

Erika stops shaking after a minute and savors being free of Night's gaze and unnerving mannerisms.
Reality-The World RP (It's an MMORPG styled RP: it's never too late to join!)

credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.
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nightmare2 Posted: 20:17 Mar01 2012 Post ID: 3098213
Lord of Nightmares
Posts: 3,482
Post Likes: 41
Night ignores Garm's gaze at with as he found it incredibly predictable and wondered why it took people so long to mature and wisen up. Instead he walks over to Thistle.

"Thanks for worrying about me earlier... my name Is Night! I am 56 years old and single."

Night smiles up at her innocently, making him look more like a child. He still was unsure how old he was but he decided he would not add the years he lived before he began his adventure to this continent. He figured in the end it really didn't matter as he was still pretty old.

"Can I travel with... you guys? I-I'm on adventure of m-my own. L-looking for someone."

Night still kept his eyes on his feet and cursed himself for being so timid. He promised that he would attempt to be more conversive afterwards. Being taught never, NEVER to talk to strangers was a terrible lesson and he was annoyed at how hard that stuck with him.
Sir Adam of Peridot Nightmares

Go visit the Fan Fiction and Role Playing Forum and check out what is there maybe you will see something of interest and feel free to stay and have a cup of -insert beverage of choice here- and some cookies. It's on the house! Well it would be if I had a house...
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Craizen Posted: 15:09 Mar04 2012 Post ID: 3098770
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Cyrus rises and walks over to Garm and Erika. Arriving, he bows. "I apologize for the intrusion earlier. Be at ease, I had no intentions of stealing your thoughts our interfering with you. My Name is Cyrus Alonz, Kindred."

His voice is honest and true, hoping to make friend on this long day.
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penguinlord352 Posted: 15:28 Mar04 2012 Post ID: 3098776
I'm da Pengy
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"Erika doesn't trust you, and neither do I, but I understand why you did it. And the mistrust is more a matter of survival than prejudice, I assure you. In fact, we're more hated than you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cyrus. I am Garm Plasmal and this is Erika Shailes."
Garm extends a hand as a sign of accepting the apology.
Reality-The World RP (It's an MMORPG styled RP: it's never too late to join!)

credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.
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1 : 2 Posted: 02:49 Mar05 2012 Post ID: 3098987
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click to reveal

^((Click this))

Geoff didn't manage to respond to Night in time, simply watching the boy walk away and towards Thistle. Though, he noted the boy's thank you and his strange appearance, not to mention the fact that he's a strong magic user. He wondered if the boy really looked as timid and innocent as he acted, or if it was simply a play, prompting him to walk towards Thistle whom Night talked to, seeing as the police are here to take care of the majin. Good, he thought. Not wanting to get into trouble with the authority was one of the reasons he didn't kill the assassin leader. He took notice of the others that were involved, including the kindred, the animus guy, the magi girl, and the one final majin.

"Aww...! Well aren't you the cute little guy! My name's Thistle, like the flower. Night, right? You're welcome!" spoke Thistle, squatting down so that her face was level with Night's. She smiled sweetly at him, and seemed to have missed the spoken fact that he was 56 years old. This is because she was still keeping an eye out for the leader, and Geoff, whom she noticed looked tired. She looked to her right, and up, at Geoff who had come to a stop beside her and Night. "Geoff... How long was the blade this time...? You look... tired more than usual." she asked Geoff, who didn't respond immediately.
"I'm... fine." replied Geoff, feeling that there was no need to express his tiredness more. To tell the truth, he wasn't sure of how long the blade of light extended that time, but maybe he'd used too much will for that one single swing. "Night, is it? I saw what you're capable of, so no need to be afraid of Thistle. She doesn't bite. But she might pinch your cheeks until they turn red, so watch out." he spoke, trying to lighten the mood, although his face was still stoic and expressionless.
"Wha...! Hey, that's not very funny! I didn't had much control of the strength I put into my hands that time!"
"Still, I couldn't see why you had to pinch that boy's cheeks as if he was a baby." replied Geoff, referring to an incident way back. "Anyway... Night, I thought it was strange for a young boy like you to have gone into battle like that without feeling anything. You don't seem like the usual child... Where are your parents, Night?" he turned to ask Night.
"Hey, hey! Geoff! He asked me if I could let him travel with us. He's looking for someone. What if it's his mother or father he's looking for?" cut in Thistle, standing up straight.
"That's..." Geoff was about to reply when he felt a sudden spike in killing intent. Turning around, he was met with the sight of Zaikei standing back up, albeit slowly. But the strangeness in his pace made him wonder if he really had any trouble standing back up. "You can't be serious. He can still stand after a hit like that?" thought Geoff, his face beginning to show some signs of emotion, as he wonders what could have been the outcome if he rushed in blindly instead of observing the majin like he did.
"Oh come on! You've got to be kidding me!"

"Zaikei, give up! You are under arrest! Today will be the day you face retribution for all the lives you've taken, assassin!" spoke Moguru, hands on his sheath.
"Keh... Hehe... Do you seriously believe any prison cell could hold me?" replied Zaikei, his lips curving into a grin, blood still flowing down his chin.
"Coincidentally, we've prepared a special cell, just for higher-than-par killers like you. Now, stay down. If you choose to resist facing the music, then you will face my cold steel blade! Either way, you will receive your judgement!" spoke the head officer, two of his subordinates behind him ordering for the crowd which had gathered filling the dirt road completely to move back, fearing that the situation may get out of hand again. Moguru unsheathed his katana, an act all of his officers followed.

Chatter and whispers were rife within the group of onlookers, and though most of them were occupied in their attention with the majin leader, whom was touted as the fastest man in the world once, some were more interested in the other individuals there, whom had defeated the majin. One such person was a man with a stick tucked in between his lips, what remained of some sweet dumplings he'd bought as a snack earlier, and he was particularly interested in Geoff and Thistle.

"... So it seems that there no other options available to me... But if I am to die, then I will die covered in your blood!" shouted the leader, withdrawing a short sword from its sheath at the back of his waist and rushing towards Moguru at high speed, much to Geoff and Thistle's disbelief. However, before the two could meet, a massive dual-edged sword that dwarfed both men came down in between them, its blade digging into the earth, causing much shock to everyone on the scene. Landing on top of the sword without barely even a thud and grabbing the hilt with his left hand is a man clad in a pure white cloak, a hood concealing his face, though a fierce glare could be felt at the man, murderous intent emanating from the man, not a single motion is made as he remains in his squatting position, as if waiting for someone.

"You're... one of the Shineitai...!" remarked Zaikei, at a lost for more words.

"Please, everyone! Stop!" shouted a young girl's voice. Almost immediately, the crowd became separated into two, as if letting someone wade through to the front. Gasps and looks of mixed reactions filled the faces of each and every one of the onlookers. A young girl who looked like she was only about 13 years of age came to a stop in front of the crowd, as Moguru excuses himself to the side, calling her 'princess'. With white hair like snow, the girl is escorted by five more figures in cloaks, a row of three on her left and a row of two on her right, separating her form the rest of the crowd, their faces just as hidden as the one who looms above the sword. "Stop it, Gen... There should be no more need for violence..." spoke the girl, to whom the man above the sword immediately answered to.

"Of course, Your Highness Princess Yurino..." answered the man.

((sorry couldn't be on lately. and night I'm just gonna ignore that one bit about Night's age. I doubt anyone'd believe him anyway, well, maybe Thistle would, but more importantly that makes for a good revelation to come. I'd let pass Cyrus knowing it because of the role he plays and is going to play, but why not keep it more subtle, eh?))

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penguinlord352 Posted: 13:28 Mar05 2012 Post ID: 3099059
I'm da Pengy
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Erika is, despite the rather sudden and surprising arrival, half-asleep due to all the magic she's used since they woke up all the way through to the battle. Garm holds her up with a one-armed hug so it doesn't look like she is disrespecting the Princess. Garm bows slightly to the Princess, but since he sins foreigner to this land, he isn't sure on the usual way to show honor.
Judging by that hooded man's strength, it'd be best not to insult this woman. Great. Out of one deadly situation and into the next.
Garm has a respectful look on his face, but casts his Dragon Eyes' gaze about, seeking out any signs of more of the mysterious hooded men.
Reality-The World RP (It's an MMORPG styled RP: it's never too late to join!)

credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.
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Craizen Posted: 13:50 Mar05 2012 Post ID: 3099064
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((I like the absolute thing, could def cast more into a back story. This also sorta helps with Cyrus's swordplay.))

Cyrus bowed in unison with with Garm, then back up, examining the sword, the man and the princess in front of them. The name was faint, but he had been in exile so long he didn't really remember much of royalty, not for one so young especially. He smiled with his eyes, and wondered what news she brought.
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nightmare2 Posted: 15:16 Mar05 2012 Post ID: 3099078
Lord of Nightmares
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((Well as far as it goes I can ignore his age as well, for now))

Night pouts a little at the mentioning of 'little' and slowly brightens up and looks at Thistle with less shyness. He turned and watched the man get up and the rest of the scene that follwed, frowning slightly at it until the 'Princess' appears. he turns and looks at Thistle.

"No, I was abandoned. I grew up by myself, I looking for a magi."

He looks at the princess again as well as he guards, he wondered if someone of her stature could help but cast that aside. Instead he looked over at Erika who he noticed looking quite tired, he smirked slighly at that. He was feeling quite fine himself, now sure he was alot older and probably had alot more experience fighting than anyone else. He had thought Erika would do better after being controlled so easily by her emotions and acting so arrogantly.
Sir Adam of Peridot Nightmares

Go visit the Fan Fiction and Role Playing Forum and check out what is there maybe you will see something of interest and feel free to stay and have a cup of -insert beverage of choice here- and some cookies. It's on the house! Well it would be if I had a house...
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penguinlord352 Posted: 15:56 Mar05 2012 Post ID: 3099116
I'm da Pengy
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Erika had had to cast a total of 500 spells already today on their way to the town. She wanted to be prepared fully for the festival and realized now that she had overdone it. She was very grateful to Garm for helping her stay on her feet.
Thanks Garm. You really do think of everything. I should be fine in a minute or two.
Erika was beginning to look more energetic already, in fact. Garm was always amazed at her recovery rate from overuse of her magic, which was actually pretty rare. Despite being mute, she was a prodigy. In his eyes, at least.
Reality-The World RP (It's an MMORPG styled RP: it's never too late to join!)

credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.
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1 : 2 Posted: 02:41 Mar06 2012 Post ID: 3099283
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The hooded man atop the sword landed in front of Zaikei without any sign of wariness for the majin leader; instead, it was Zaikei who backed up, though his short sword was still raised at the ready, even though the majin knows that it could barely even come close to touching the hooded man. For he was face-to-face with one of the most powerful man in what could be the whole world, the captain of the princess' Royal Guards, the man whose title, The Sword of Magus, is much more terrifying than his own. The hooded man muttered a few words under his breath and his massive sword disintegrated into a stream of metallic liquid that entered a hole on top of the common sword's sheath that was on his waist, hidden under his clothing. The hilt changed shape and became smaller; akin to a normal katana's hilt, and fell onto his hand, as if pulled by some force. He placed it on top of the sheath and it clicked, closing the hole.
"Make a single move..." threatened the man.
"Sir Gen, please..." cut in Princess Yurino, to whom the hooded man merely kept quiet respectfully and stepped aside to let Yurino view the field and the people before her. She didn't seem to show any immediate response to seeing the corpse-strewn field, its flowers ruined and specked of dots of blood. Rather, she kept her sadness to herself, evident from the look in her eyes. "This man tried to take your lives... But at the sight of the number of his people who have fallen and his injury, do you not think that he has paid enough retribution for such an attempt?" spoke the princess, looking at Geoff, waiting for his reply.
"...What do you mean, your highness?" asked Geoff in return after some thought. Though he could see where she was going, he didn't like it very much.
"...Would it be too much to ask of you to just let him go despite what he's done?"
"...I'm afraid I'm not in the position to decide that. He tried to hurt my friend, but I hold no ill will towards him that stems from myself. Thistle, what do you think...?" he spoke, impassive like before.
"Huh...? Well... I... don't... really know...?" she replied hesitantly, not knowing how to respond to the princess' request, not even knowing what a princess is or means, although she wasn't at all happy if the majin was taken off the hook just like that.
"...What do you guys think...?" asked Geoff, turning to the others. He was looking at Fheren, knowing well that he wasn't with Zaikei, but wondering how he'll respond.

« Last edited by 1 : 2 on Mar 6th 2012 »

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penguinlord352 Posted: 06:14 Mar06 2012 Post ID: 3099310
I'm da Pengy
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Erika conjured up a gentle breeze that swept over the blood covered flowers, freeing them of the signs of violence by pulling the drops of blood up into the air and evaporating them.she didn't really care about whether or not the man went free, though Garm had an opinion.
"If he has done things like this before, he'll make others suffer in the future to be sure. To keep the number of deaths down in the future, would it not be best to eliminate him now?"
Reality-The World RP (It's an MMORPG styled RP: it's never too late to join!)

credit to shay for the sig and Craizen avy.
I'm Sir Walter the Garnet Time-Traveling Assassin of the Gemstone Order.
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Yogi_Bear Posted: 15:15 Mar06 2012 Post ID: 3099392
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Noticing the man who had felled the fast Majin looking at him, Fheren responded, "I..." he began, his voice coming out dry and cracked. He cleared his throat and continued, "I have never seen anything like this." He looked around the battlefield. "From what I can gather, this man does not deserve freedom." He paused for a moment, "However. Nobody deserves death. Not even this." He continued, "It is not my decision to make."
Thanks Craizen

++Pixel Euphoria
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nightmare2 Posted: 21:03 Mar06 2012 Post ID: 3099453
Lord of Nightmares
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Night looks down and mutters something to himself then looks up and noticing how no one heard him he repeats it much louder.

"He go free he hasn't done anything wrong."

Night looks up and the princess though timid and shy he has general confusion on why everyone thought he should die or be punished. He couldn't understand what the man had done wrong or why all the dead people were a bad thing.

"I don't get? Why punish him?"
Sir Adam of Peridot Nightmares

Go visit the Fan Fiction and Role Playing Forum and check out what is there maybe you will see something of interest and feel free to stay and have a cup of -insert beverage of choice here- and some cookies. It's on the house! Well it would be if I had a house...
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Craizen Posted: 21:01 Mar07 2012 Post ID: 3099658
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Cyrus addressed Night's question first. "Because, that is the way society works. There are results and consequences, even if they may not be the best decision." But he turned his attention to the princess, bowing once again.

"She asks not that we do the easiest thing we can do, giving in to the urges we so primarily hold on to; those deep feelings of hatred, and heavy hand of revenge that sparks our animalistic bite. She asks the hardest question rational beings can do, forgive and forget and suppress what we want most. I, for one, agree with her. For now at least. Let the man go his way. If he returns to do the same, let him be dealt with then. We obviously have the means to stop him, and he poses not threat since we do have those means."

« Last edited by Craizen on Mar 7th 2012 »
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